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發(fā)布時間:2024-08-17 13:01:26 來源:億速云 閱讀:82 作者:小樊 欄目:編程語言
  1. Eclipse IoT Packages: Eclipse IoT is a collection of Java libraries that provide support for building and managing IoT devices. It includes libraries for MQTT communication, CoAP communication, OSGi runtime, and more.

  2. Eclipse Kura: Eclipse Kura is a Java-based framework for building IoT gateways. It provides a set of APIs for accessing device resources, managing connectivity, and running applications on IoT devices.

  3. Apache Camel: Apache Camel is a Java-based integration framework that can be used for building IoT solutions. It provides a set of components for integrating with various IoT protocols and devices.

  4. Eclipse Paho: Eclipse Paho is a set of Java libraries for implementing MQTT communication in IoT applications. It provides client libraries for connecting to MQTT brokers and publishing/subscribing to MQTT topics.

  5. Eclipse SmartHome: Eclipse SmartHome is a Java-based framework for building smart home automation solutions. It provides a set of APIs for managing devices, controlling home automation systems, and interacting with IoT devices.

  6. Eclipse Californium: Eclipse Californium is a Java-based CoAP framework for building IoT applications. It provides APIs for implementing CoAP communication, handling CoAP requests/responses, and interacting with CoAP resources.

  7. Apache NiFi: Apache NiFi is a Java-based data processing framework that can be used for building IoT data management solutions. It provides a set of processors for ingesting, processing, and routing data from IoT devices.

  8. WSO2 IoT: WSO2 IoT is an open-source IoT platform that provides a set of Java libraries for managing IoT devices, collecting data from IoT devices, and implementing IoT applications.

