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// index/gun/jsSwiper2/jsSwiper2.js Page({ /** * 頁(yè)面的初始數(shù)據(jù) */ data: { startX:0, endX:0, iCenter: 3, datas: [{ id: 1, zIndex: 2, opacity: 0.2, left: 40, iamge: "../images/teacher01.jpg", animation: null }, { id: 2, zIndex: 4, opacity: 0.4, left: 80, iamge: "../images/teacher02.jpg", animation: null }, { id: 3, zIndex: 6, opacity: 0.6, left: 120, iamge: "../images/teacher03.jpg", animation: null }, { id: 4, zIndex: 8, opacity:1, left: 160, iamge: "../images/teacher04.jpg", animation: null }, { id: 5, zIndex: 6, opacity: 0.6, left: 200, iamge: "../images/teacher05.jpg", animation: null }, { id: 6, zIndex: 4, opacity: 0.4, left: 240, iamge: "../images/teacher06.jpg", animation: null }, { id: 7, zIndex: 2, opacity: 0.2, left: 280, iamge: "../images/7.jpg", animation: null }, ], order: [] }, /** * 生命周期函數(shù)--監(jiān)聽(tīng)頁(yè)面加載 */ onLoad: function(options) { this.__set__(); this.move(); }, /** * 生命周期函數(shù)--監(jiān)聽(tīng)頁(yè)面初次渲染完成 */ onReady: function() { }, /** * 生命周期函數(shù)--監(jiān)聽(tīng)頁(yè)面顯示 */ onShow: function() { }, /** * 生命周期函數(shù)--監(jiān)聽(tīng)頁(yè)面隱藏 */ onHide: function() { }, /** * 生命周期函數(shù)--監(jiān)聽(tīng)頁(yè)面卸載 */ onUnload: function() { }, /** * 頁(yè)面相關(guān)事件處理函數(shù)--監(jiān)聽(tīng)用戶下拉動(dòng)作 */ onPullDownRefresh: function() { }, /** * 頁(yè)面上拉觸底事件的處理函數(shù) */ onReachBottom: function() { }, /** * 用戶點(diǎn)擊右上角分享 */ onShareAppMessage: function() { }, move: function() { var datas = this.data.datas; /*圖片分布*/ for (var i = 0; i < datas.length; i++) { var data = datas[i]; var animation = wx.createAnimation({ duration:200 }); animation.translateX(data.left).step(); this.setData({ ["datas[" + i + "].animation"]: animation.export(), ["datas[" + i + "].zIndex"]: data.zIndex, ["datas[" + i + "].opacity"]: data.opacity, }) } }, /**左箭頭 */ left: function() { // var last = this.data.datas.pop(); //獲取數(shù)組的最后一個(gè) this.data.datas.unshift(last);//放到數(shù)組的第一個(gè) var orderFirst = this.data.order.shift(); this.data.order.push(orderFirst); this.move(); }, /** */ right: function() { var first = this.data.datas.shift(); //獲取數(shù)組的第一個(gè) this.data.datas.push(first);//放到數(shù)組的最后一個(gè)位置 var orderLast = this.data.order.pop(); this.data.order.unshift(orderLast); this.move(); }, /**點(diǎn)擊某項(xiàng) */ choose: function(e) { var that = this; var id = e.currentTarget.dataset.id; var order = that.data.order; var index = 0; for(var i = 0; i<order.length;i++){ if(id == order[i]){ index = i; break; } } if (index < that.data.iCenter) { for (var i = 0; i < that.data.iCenter - index; i++){ this.data.datas.push(this.data.datas.shift()); //獲取第一個(gè)放到最后一個(gè) this.data.order.unshift(this.data.order.pop()); // this.right() } } else if (index > that.data.iCenter) { for (var i = 0; i < index - that.data.iCenter; i++) { this.data.datas.unshift(this.data.datas.pop()); //獲取最后一個(gè)放到第一個(gè) this.data.order.push(this.data.order.shift()); // this.left(); } } this.move(); }, /**新的排列復(fù)制到新的數(shù)組中 */ __set__: function() { var that = this; var order = that.data.order; var datas = that.data.datas; for(var i = 0;i<datas.length;i++){ that.setData({ ["order["+i+"]"]:datas[i].id }) } }, //手指觸發(fā)開(kāi)始移動(dòng) moveStart: function (e) { console.log(e); var startX = e.changedTouches[0].pageX; this.setData({ startX: startX }); }, //手指觸摸后移動(dòng)完成觸發(fā)事件 moveItem: function (e) { console.log(e); var that = this; var endX = e.changedTouches[0].pageX; this.setData({ endX: endX }); //計(jì)算手指觸摸偏移劇距離 var moveX = this.data.startX - this.data.endX; //向左移動(dòng) if (moveX > 20) { this.left(); } if (moveX < -20) { this.right(); } }, })