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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-08-12 20:46:54 來源:ITPUB博客 閱讀:152 作者:曼孚科技 欄目:互聯(lián)網(wǎng)科技



趨勢一:AI 技術(shù)已發(fā)展到可大規(guī)模產(chǎn)業(yè)化階段,2020年將出現(xiàn)多家AI工廠


(英文原文,下同:The increasingly mature AI technology and all types of associated business solutions are rapidly entering the stage of "industrialization". With the continuous investment global technology giants pumped into AI technology, there will be many factories of AI models and data emerging in 2020, facilitating AI technology and associated commercial solutions on a large scale to update industries. For example, AI solutions in the customer service industry can be copied and applied to finance, e-commerce, education and other industries on a large scale. )



(In recent years, AI chips have gradually reached a usable state, and 2020 will be a critical year for the large-scale implementation of AI chips. AI chips on the edge will be more low-cost, specialized and seamlessly integrated into downstream solutions. At the same time, the neural processing unit (NPU) will become the basic module of the next-generation edge-based general-purpose CPU chips. In the future, more and more device-based CPU chips will integrate deep learning framework as the core to their designs. In addition to chips, AI will redefine the computer architecture and support AI training and inference as a new idea of heterogeneous design architecture. )



(Deep learning is the most important and effective technology in the field of artificial intelligence. At the core of open-sourced deep learning platforms is the deep learning framework, which greatly lowers the development threshold of AI technology, and effectively improves the quality and efficiency of AI applications. In 2020, deep learning will be applied across many industries at scale to implement innovation and accelerate transformation and upgrading. )



(AutoML will be able to integrate the iterative process in traditional machine learning and build an automatic process. Researchers only need to input meta-knowledge (such as convolution operations, problem descriptions, etc.), the algorithm can automatically select the appropriate data, optimize the model structure and configuration, train the model, and deploy it on different devices. The rapid development of AutoML will greatly lower the threshold of machine learning and increase the popularity of AI applications. )

趨勢五: 多模態(tài)深度語義理解進(jìn)一步成熟,并得到更廣泛應(yīng)用


(Multimodal deep semantic understanding takes the information of different models such as voice, image, and text as input, and integrates perception and cognition technologies to achieve a multi-dimensional deep understanding of information. With the rapid development and large-scale application of computing vision, speech, natural language understanding, and knowledge graph, multimodal deep semantic understanding is gradually mature, which leads to a broader application scenario. Combined with AI chips, it will be widely used smart home, finance, security, education, healthcare, and other industries. )



(With the emergence and development of pre-training large-scale language model, the technology of general natural language understanding has been greatly improved. Semantic representation pre-training technology based on massive text data will be deeply integrated with domain knowledge to continuously improve the effectiveness of natural language processing tasks such as automatic question answering, emotional analysis, reading comprehension, reasoning, information extraction, etc. The general natural language understanding the computing platform, which integrates large-scale computing power, rich domain data, pre-training model and improved R&D tools, will be gradually improved and widely used in the internet, healthcare, legal, financial and other fields. )



(With the development of 5G and edge computing, computing power will not be limited to cloud computing centers, expanding to everything and building a distributed computing platform. At the same time, the insight into time and space, the two most important dimensions of the physical world, will become the basic capabilities of the new-generation IoT platforms. This will promote the integration of IoT with more scenarios such as energy, power, industry, logistics, medical treatment, and intelligent city, and create greater value.)


自動駕駛的發(fā)展正在趨于理性,未來幾年市場對智能駕駛的發(fā)展也會更加有信心。2020年,自動駕駛汽車將被應(yīng)用于物流快遞、公共交通、封閉道路等不同場景。同時(shí),V2X(vehicle to everything)技術(shù)啟動規(guī)模化部署和應(yīng)用,這使得車輛和道路形成一個(gè)廣泛的聯(lián)系,進(jìn)一步推動智能車路協(xié)同技術(shù)的實(shí)現(xiàn),智能交通加速在園區(qū)、城市、高速等多樣化場景中落地。

(The development of autonomous vehicles is becoming more rational, and the market will be more confident in the development of intelligent driving in the next few years. In 2020, more autonomous vehicles will be applied to different scenarios such as logistics, public transport, geofenced areas and so on. At the same time, V2X (vehicle to everything) technology is ready for large-scale deployment and application, which makes vehicles and roads form a wide range of connections, further promoting the realization of Intelligent Vehicle Infrastructure Cooperative Systems (IVICS), and accelerating the implementation of intelligent transportation in parks, cities, expressways and other scenarios. )



(With the in-depth integration of blockchain technology with AI, big data, IoT and edge computing, the problems concerning the online and offline mapping of data and assets will be solved one by one. Solutions such as data authorization, data use, data circulation and exchange built around blockchain will play a huge role among people from all walks of life. For example, in e-commerce, blockchain can ensure the authenticity of the whole process data of goods; in supply chain, it can ensure the openness and transparency of the whole process data, as well as the safe exchange between enterprises; in government affairs, it can achieve the opening of government data, the realization of electronic certificates and so on. )




(With the successful demonstration of quantum hegemony, quantum computing will usher in a new round of explosive growth in 2020. In terms of quantum hardware, the performance of programmable medium-sized noisy quantum devices will be further improved and have the ability of error correction. Quantum algorithms with certain practical value will be able to run on them, and the application of quantum artificial intelligence will be greatly developed. In terms of quantum software, high-quality quantum computing platforms and software will emerge and be deeply integrated with AI and cloud computing technologies. In addition, with the emergence of the quantum computing industry chain, quantum computing will surely garner more attention in more application fields. More and more industry giants have invested in R&D resources for strategic layout, which has the opportunity to bring a new face to the future AI and cloud computing fields. )

