import pygame import sys import random SCREEN_X=600 SCREEN_Y=600 class Snake(object): def __init__(self): self.direction=pygame.K_RIGHT self.body = [] for i in range(5): self.addnode() def addnode(self): left, top = (0, 0) if self.body: left, top = (self.body[0].left,self.body[0].top) node = pygame.Rect(left,top,25,25) if self.direction == pygame.K_RIGHT: node.left += 25 elif self.direction == pygame.K_LEFT: node.left -= 25 elif self.direction == pygame.K_UP: node.top -= 25 elif self.direction == pygame.K_DOWN: node.top += 25 self.body.insert(0,node) def delnode(self): self.body.pop() def isdead(self): if self.body[0].x not in range(SCREEN_X): return True if self.body[0].y not in range(SCREEN_Y): return True if self.body[0] in self.body[1:]: print('in body') return True return False def move(self): self.addnode() self.delnode() def changeddirection(self,curkey): LR = [pygame.K_LEFT,pygame.K_RIGHT] UD = [pygame.K_DOWN,pygame.K_UP] if curkey in LR+UD: if (curkey in LR) and (self.direction in LR): return if (curkey in UD) and (self.direction in UD): return self.direction = curkey class Food(object): def __init__(self): self.rect = pygame.Rect(-25, 0, 25, 25) def remove(self): self.rect.x = -25 def set(self): if self.rect.x == -25: allpos = [] for pos in range(25,SCREEN_X-25,25): allpos.append(pos) self.rect.left = random.choice(allpos) self.rect.top = random.choice(allpos) print(self.rect) def show_text(screen,pos,text,color,font_bold = False,font_size = 60,font_italic = False): cur_font=pygame.font.SysFont('宋體',font_size) cur_font.set_bold(font_bold) cur_font.set_italic(font_italic) text_fmt = cur_font.render(text,1,color) screen.blit(text_fmt,pos) def main(): pygame.init() screen_size = (SCREEN_X,SCREEN_Y) screen = pygame.display.set_mode(screen_size) pygame.display.set_caption('Snake') clock=pygame.time.Clock() scores=0 isdead=False snake=Snake() food=Food() while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: #print(event) #pressed_keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() #if pressed_keys.count(1)>1: # continue print(event.key) snake.changeddirection(event.key) if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE and isdead: return main() screen.fill((255,255,255)) if not isdead: scores +=1 snake.move() for rect in snake.body: pygame.draw.rect(screen,(20,220,39),rect,0) isdead=snake.isdead() if isdead: show_text(screen,(100,200),'you dead!',(227,29,18),False,100) show_text(screen,(150,260),'press space to try again...',(0,0,22),False,30) if food.rect == snake.body[0]: scores +=50 food.remove() snake.addnode() food.set() pygame.draw.rect(screen,(136,0,21),food.rect,0) show_text(screen,(50,500),'Scores:'+str(scores),(223,223,223)) pygame.display.update() clock.tick(5) if __name__ == "__main__": main()