32. Longest Valid Parentheses
Given a string containing just the characters '('
and ')'
, find the length of the longest valid (well-formed) parentheses substring.
For "(()"
, the longest valid parentheses substring is "()"
, which has length = 2.
Another example is ")()())"
, where the longest valid parentheses substring is "()()"
, which has length = 4.
給定字符串(字符串只包括 '(' 和 ')' 元素)。查找最長(zhǎng)的有效字串,即 '(' 和 ')' 匹配的最長(zhǎng)字串。
A)字符串模式 )) (()) ) ((())) 對(duì)應(yīng)數(shù)組為:3 2 5 4 3 B)字符串模式 )) ()() ) ()()() 對(duì)應(yīng)數(shù)組為:2 2 3 3 3 C)字符串模式 )) () ) ()((())) 對(duì)應(yīng)數(shù)組為:2 3 5 4 3 D)字符串模式 )) (()) ) (())() 對(duì)應(yīng)數(shù)組為:3 2 4 3 3 由上可知: 模式匹配基本就只有 1,嵌套(()) 2,平級(jí)()() 第一種方式的數(shù)組會(huì)出現(xiàn)遞減方式,第二種方式的數(shù)組元素會(huì)出現(xiàn)保持不變的。 一旦出現(xiàn)不匹配的,那么只有push動(dòng)作存在,遇到pop時(shí)中間push和pop的差肯定是增漲的??墒侨绻虚g都是匹配的,那么最終push和pop的差不會(huì)漲。 獲取最長(zhǎng)字串的方法: 獲取遞減序列,紀(jì)錄遞減序列長(zhǎng)度,并紀(jì)錄遞減序列開(kāi)始的首元素和尾元素。從紀(jì)錄的首元素開(kāi)始往前查找,直到遇到的元素小于紀(jì)錄的尾元素,記前驅(qū)長(zhǎng)度。 遞減序列長(zhǎng)度+前驅(qū)長(zhǎng)度 = 字串長(zhǎng)度。
struct stack { char word; struct stack *next; }; struct stack *push(struct stack *head, char word) { struct stack *node = (struct stack *)malloc(sizeof(struct stack)); if ( !node ) { printf("create node error\n"); return head; } node->word = word; if ( !head ) { node->next = NULL; head = node; } else { node->next = head; } return node; } struct stack *pop(struct stack *head) { if ( !head ) { return head; } struct stack *del = head; head = head->next; free(del); return head; } char top(struct stack *head) { if ( !head ) { return 0; } return head->word; } void stackFree(struct stack *head) { if ( !head ) { return; } struct stack *del = NULL; while ( head ) { del = head; head = head->next; free(del); } } int longestValidParentheses(char* s) { if ( !s ) { return 0; } int size = strlen(s) / 2 + 1; int sub[size]; int index = 0; struct stack *head = NULL; int pushNum = 0; int popNum = 0; int flag = 0; for ( ; *s; s++ ) { if ( *s == '(' ) { head = push(head, *s); pushNum += 1; flag = 0; } else if ( *s == ')' ) { if ( top(head) == '(' ) { head = pop(head); popNum += 1; flag = 1; } else { head = push(head, *s); pushNum += 1; flag = 0; } } if ( flag == 1 ) { sub[index] = pushNum - popNum; index += 1; } } stackFree(head); if ( index == 1 ) { return index * 2; } int length = 0; int maxLen = 0; int cnt = 0; int min = 0; for ( cnt = 0; cnt < index - 1; cnt++ ) { length = 0; min = -1; while ( (cnt + 1 + length) < index && sub[cnt + length] >= sub[cnt + 1 + length] ) { length += 1; } while ( (cnt - 1 - min) >= 0 && sub[cnt - 1 - min] >= sub[cnt + length] ) { min += 1; } cnt = cnt + length; length = length + 1 + min; if ( length > maxLen ) { maxLen = length; } } return maxLen * 2; }