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openstack icehouse install swift object stroage 第一節(jié)

發(fā)布時間:2020-08-07 09:11:45 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 閱讀:390 作者:Kernalzcy 欄目:移動開發(fā)

Object Storage Service 
1.Proxy Server( swift-proxy-server) 接受對象存儲API和原始HTTP請求上傳文件,修改元數(shù)據(jù),并創(chuàng)建容器。它還提供文件或web瀏覽器容器列表。為了提高性能,代理服務(wù)器可以使用一個可選的緩存通常使用memcache部署。
2.Account Server( swift-account-server)管理賬戶與對象存儲服務(wù)定義
3.Container servers (swift-container-server)管理一個映射的容器,或文件夾,在對象存儲服務(wù)。
4.Object servers(swift-object-server)管理實際對象,如文件,存儲節(jié)點

When you install only the Object Storage and Identity Service, you cannot use the dashboard unless you also install Compute and the Image Service.當(dāng)你只安裝對象存儲服務(wù)和身份,您不能使用儀表板,除非你也安裝計算和圖像服務(wù)。

Operating system: OpenStack Object Storage currently runs on Ubuntu, RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, openSUSE, or SLES.我選擇Centos6.5

Networking: 1 Gbps or 10 Gbps is suggested internally. For OpenStack Object Storage, an external network should connect the outside world to the proxy servers, and the storage network is intended to be isolated on a private network or multiple private networks.

Database: For OpenStack Object Storage, a SQLite database is part of the OpenStack Object Storage container and account management process.

Permissions: You can install OpenStack Object Storage either as root or as a user with sudo permissions if you configure the sudoers file to enable all the permissions.

Example of Object Storage installation architecture

  • Node: A host machine that runs one or more OpenStack Object Storage services.

  • Proxy node: Runs proxy services.

  • Storage node: Runs account, container, and object services. Contains the SQLite databases.

  • Ring: A set of mappings between OpenStack Object Storage data to physical devices.

  • Replica: A copy of an object. By default, three copies are maintained in the cluster.

  • Zone: A logically separate section of the cluster, related to independent failure characteristics.

  • Region (optional): A logically separate section of the cluster, representing distinct physical locations such as cities or countries. Similar to zones but representing physical locations of portions of the cluster rather than logical segments.

To increase reliability and performance, you can add additional proxy servers.

This document describes each storage node as a separate zone in the ring. At a minimum, five zones are recommended. A zone is a group of nodes that are as isolated as possible from other nodes (separate servers, network, power, even geography). The ring guarantees that every replica is stored in a separate zone. This diagram shows one possible configuration for a minimal installation:
openstack icehouse install swift object stroage 第一節(jié)

