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Android Studio -- Installation and useage

發(fā)布時間:2020-07-28 13:27:41 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 閱讀:513 作者:xjhznick 欄目:移動開發(fā)

    下載安裝Android Studio

    Android Studio 中文社區(qū)

1.Install Android Studio

    Download Android Studio and Launch the downloaded EXE file.

    Needs JDK 6 or greater.


JAVA_HOME指明JDK安裝路徑,就是剛才安裝時的路徑C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_05,此路徑下包括lib,bin,jre等文件夾(此變量最好設(shè)置,因為以后運行tomcat,eclipse,ant 等都需要使用此變量)




CLASSPATH為java加載類(class or lib)路徑,只有類在classpath中,java命令才能識別,設(shè)為:



    >javac -version

Android Studio -- Installation and useage

2.Adding SDK Packages

    Android SDK Manger: Tools > Android > SDK Manager(From Android Studio)

3.Recommended Packages:

    1)SDK Tools(Required): Keep this up to date.

    2)SDK Platform-tools(Required): Must install this package when first install the SDK.

    3)SDK Platform(Required): Recommend use the latest version as your build target. To run your app on older version, you must build against the latest version in order.

    Get to know minSDKversion vs. Build Target, refer to uses-sdk-element <uses-sdk>

    What API level should I target?

    4)System Image(Recommended):Using the Emulator 

    It is recommended to download system p_w_picpaths of all versions of Andorid your app supports and test your app running on them with the emulator.

    5)Android Support(Recommended): Includes a static library that supports older versions.

    6)SDK Samples(Recommended): The source code you can use to learn about Android or reuse in your own app. One sample package for one Android platform version.

Tip: For easy access to the SDK tools from a command line, add the location of the SDK's tools/ and platform-tools to your PATH environment variable.


A Problems connecting to the SDK repository

使用SDK Manager下載packages遇到connection problem,可以使用http代替https。

  1. With the Android SDK Manager window open, select "Settings" in the left pane.

  2. On the right, in the "Misc" section, check the checkbox labeled "Force https://... sources to be fetched using http://..."

  3. Click Save & Apply.

B Adding New Sites

在第三方設(shè)備制造商的Android設(shè)備使用提供的第三方API庫,安裝他們的Android SDK add-on。如果SDK add-on repository 在他們的網(wǎng)站上,則在SDK Manager上添加他們的site:

  1. Select Available Packages in the left panel.

  2. Click Add Add-on Site and enter the URL of the repository.xml file. Click OK.

Any SDK packages available from the site will now be listed under a new item named User Add-ons.

Building Your First App

1.Creating an Android Project


