log2FC Group -0.003569046 SR58-1 -0.033401692 SR58-1 -0.00595792 SR58-1 -0.126160677 SR58-1 -0.003569046 SR58-1 0.062951504 SR58-1 -0.085369416 SR58-1 0.061838866 SR58-1 -0.006699121 SR58-1 -0.006699121 SR58-1 0.565357698 SR58-1 -1.478225114 SR58-1 -0.081035817 SR58-1 -0.103533775 SR58-1 -0.143437623 SR58-1 -0.103533775 SR58-1 -0.143437623 SR58-1 -0.095751056 SR58-1 0.358148301 SR58-1 -0.187767352 SR58-1 0.389438905 SR58-1
library(ggplot2) library('getopt'); spec = matrix(c( 'help' , 'h', 0, "logical","for help", 'input1' , 'i', 1, "character","input the abuance of tax in each sample ,required", 'input2' , 's', 1, "character","input the abuance of tax in each sample ,required", #'row' , 'r' , 1 , "character","row name,required", 'name' , 'n', 1, "character","photo name" ), byrow=TRUE, ncol=5); opt = getopt(spec); print_usage <- function(spec=NULL){ cat(getopt(spec, usage=TRUE)); q(status=1); } if ( !is.null(opt$help) ) { print_usage(spec) } if ( is.null(opt$input1) ){ print_usage(spec) } if ( is.null(opt$input2) ){ print_usage(spec) } if ( is.null(opt$name) ){ opt$name = "Co-occurrence_network" } #讀入數(shù)據(jù) point1 <- read.table(opt$input1,sep="\t",header = TRUE,comment.char = "") point2 <- read.table(opt$input2,sep="\t",header = TRUE,comment.char = "") #分別取中位數(shù) median1 = median(point1$log2FC, na.rm = FALSE) median2 = median(point2$log2FC, na.rm = FALSE) print(median1) print(median2) #行合并 point = rbind(point1,point2) p <- ggplot(point, aes(x=Group, y=log2FC)) + geom_point(size=0.5)+ geom_segment(aes(x=0.95,y=median1,xend=1.05,yend=median1))+ geom_segment(aes(x=1.95,y=median2,xend=2.05,yend=median2))+ geom_hline(aes(yintercept=0), colour="#000000", linetype="dashed")+ theme( ######取消默認(rèn)的背景顏色方框等 panel.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent",colour = "black"), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank(), plot.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent",colour = "black")) #輸出文件名稱 png_name=paste(opt$name, ".png", sep="") pdf_name=paste(opt$name, ".pdf", sep="") #輸出pdf格式圖片 pdf(pdf_name,width =3,height = 3) print(p) dev.off() #輸出png格式圖片 png(png_name,width =2000,height =2000,res = 500,units = "px") print(p) dev.off()