這篇文章主要介紹了Fluent Mybatis實際開發(fā)中的優(yōu)勢對比,具有一定借鑒價值,感興趣的朋友可以參考下,希望大家閱讀完這篇文章之后大有收獲,下面讓小編帶著大家一起了解一下。
之前文章介紹過了Fluent基本框架等,其中有幾個重要的方法用到了IQuery和IUpdate對象。 這2個對象是FluentMybatis實現(xiàn)復雜和動態(tài)sql的構(gòu)造類,通過這2個對象fluent mybatis可以不用寫具體的xml文件, 直接通過java api可以構(gòu)造出比較復雜的業(yè)務(wù)sql語句,做到代碼邏輯和sql邏輯的合一。
表結(jié)構(gòu) 假如有學生成績表結(jié)構(gòu)如下:
create table `student_score` ( id bigint auto_increment comment '主鍵ID' primary key, student_id bigint not null comment '學號', gender_man tinyint default 0 not null comment '性別, 0:女; 1:男', school_term int null comment '學期', subject varchar(30) null comment '學科', score int null comment '成績', gmt_create datetime not null comment '記錄創(chuàng)建時間', gmt_modified datetime not null comment '記錄最后修改時間', is_deleted tinyint default 0 not null comment '邏輯刪除標識' ) engine = InnoDB default charset=utf8;
統(tǒng)計2000年到2019年, 三門學科(‘英語', ‘數(shù)學', ‘語文')分數(shù)按學期,學科統(tǒng)計最低分,最高分和平均分,統(tǒng)計結(jié)果按學期和學科排序
select school_term, subject, count(score), min(score), max(score), avg(score) from student_score where school_term between 2000 and 2019 and subject in ('英語', '數(shù)學', '語文') and is_deleted = 0 group by school_term, subject order by school_term, subject
@Data public class ScoreStatistics { private int schoolTerm; private String subject; private long count; private Integer minScore; private Integer maxScore; private BigDecimal avgScore; }
public interface StudentScoreDao extends IBaseDao<StudentScoreEntity> { /** * 統(tǒng)計從fromYear到endYear年間學科subjects的統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù) * * @param fromYear 統(tǒng)計年份區(qū)間開始 * @param endYear 統(tǒng)計年份區(qū)間結(jié)尾 * @param subjects 統(tǒng)計的學科列表 * @return 統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù) */ List<ScoreStatistics> statistics(int fromYear, int endYear, String[] subjects); }
@Repository public class StudentScoreDaoImpl extends StudentScoreBaseDao implements StudentScoreDao { @Override public List<ScoreStatistics> statistics(int fromSchoolTerm, int endSchoolTerm, String[] subjects) { return super.listPoJos(ScoreStatistics.class, super.query() .select.schoolTerm().subject() .count("count") .min.score("min_score") .max.score("max_score") .avg.score("avg_score") .end() .where.isDeleted().isFalse() .and.schoolTerm().between(fromSchoolTerm, endSchoolTerm) .and.subject().in(subjects) .end() .groupBy.schoolTerm().subject().end() .orderBy.schoolTerm().asc().subject().asc().end() ); } }
@RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @SpringBootTest(classes = QuickStartApplication.class) public class StudentScoreDaoImplTest { @Autowired private StudentScoreDao dao; @Test public void statistics() { List<ScoreStatistics> list = dao.statistics(2000, 2019, new String[]{"語文", "數(shù)學", "英語"}); System.out.println(list); } }
DEBUG - ==> Preparing: SELECT school_term, subject, count(*) AS count, MIN(score) AS min_score, MAX(score) AS max_score, AVG(score) AS avg_score
FROM student_score
WHERE is_deleted = ?
AND school_term BETWEEN ? AND ?
AND subject IN (?, ?, ?)
GROUP BY school_term, subject
ORDER BY school_term ASC, subject ASC
DEBUG - ==> Parameters: false(Boolean), 2000(Integer), 2019(Integer), 語文(String), 數(shù)學(String), 英語(String)
DEBUG - <== Total: 30
[ScoreStatistics(schoolTerm=2000, subject=數(shù)學, count=17, minScore=1, maxScore=93, avgScore=36.0588),
ScoreStatistics(schoolTerm=2009, subject=語文, count=24, minScore=3, maxScore=100, avgScore=51.2500)]
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