Compare two version numbers version1 and version2.
If version1 > version2 return 1; if version1 <version2 return -1;otherwise return 0.
You may assume that the version strings are non-empty and contain only digits and the . character.
The . character does not represent a decimal point and is used to separate number sequences.
For instance, 2.5 is not "two and a half" or "half way to version three", it is the fifth second-level revision of the second first-level revision.
Example 1:
Input: version1 = "0.1", version2 = "1.1"
Output: -1
Example 2:
Input: version1 = "1.0.1", version2 = "1"
Output: 1
Example 3:
Input: version1 = "", version2 = "7.5.3"
Output: -1
Special thanks to @ts for adding this problem and creating all test cases.
class Solution { public: int compareVersion(string version1, string version2) { int n1 = version1.size(), n2 = version2.size(); int i = 0, j = 0, d1 = 0, d2 = 0; string v1, v2; while (i < n1 || j < n2) { while (i < n1 && version1[i] != '.') { v1.push_back(version1[i++]); } d1 = atoi(v1.c_str()); while (j < n2 && version2[j] != '.') { v2.push_back(version2[j++]); } d2 = atoi(v2.c_str()); if (d1 > d2) return 1; else if (d1 < d2) return -1; v1.clear(); v2.clear(); ++i; ++j; } return 0; } };
class Solution { public: int compareVersion(string version1, string version2) { int n1 = version1.size(), n2 = version2.size(); int i = 0, j = 0, d1 = 0, d2 = 0; while (i < n1 || j < n2) { while (i < n1 && version1[i] != '.') { d1 = d1 * 10 + version1[i++] - '0'; } while (j < n2 && version2[j] != '.') { d2 = d2 * 10 + version2[j++] - '0'; } if (d1 > d2) return 1; else if (d1 < d2) return -1; d1 = d2 = 0; ++i; ++j; } return 0; } };
class Solution { public: int compareVersion(string version1, string version2) { istringstream v1(version1 + "."), v2(version2 + "."); int d1 = 0, d2 = 0; char dot = '.'; while (v1.good() || v2.good()) { if (v1.good()) v1 >> d1 >> dot; if (v2.good()) v2 >> d2 >> dot; if (d1 > d2) return 1; else if (d1 < d2) return -1; d1 = d2 = 0; } return 0; } };
最后我們來(lái)看一種用C語(yǔ)言的字符串指針來(lái)實(shí)現(xiàn)的方法,這個(gè)方法的關(guān)鍵是用到將字符串轉(zhuǎn)為長(zhǎng)整型的strtol函數(shù),關(guān)于此函數(shù)的用法可以參見(jiàn)我的另一篇博客strtol 函數(shù)用法。參見(jiàn)代碼如下:
class Solution { public: int compareVersion(string version1, string version2) { int res = 0; char *v1 = (char*)version1.c_str(), *v2 = (char*)version2.c_str(); while (res == 0 && (*v1 != '\0' || *v2 != '\0')) { long d1 = *v1 == '\0' ? 0 : strtol(v1, &v1, 10); long d2 = *v2 == '\0' ? 0 : strtol(v2, &v2, 10); if (d1 > d2) return 1; else if (d1 < d2) return -1; else { if (*v1 != '\0') ++v1; if (*v2 != '\0') ++v2; } } return res; } };