本篇內(nèi)容主要講解“ExtJS Grid Tooltip的實現(xiàn)方式有哪些”,感興趣的朋友不妨來看看。本文介紹的方法操作簡單快捷,實用性強。下面就讓小編來帶大家學(xué)習(xí)“ExtJS Grid Tooltip的實現(xiàn)方式有哪些”吧!
ExtJS Grid Tooltip實現(xiàn)之一:表頭提示
在2.2里面是設(shè)置ColumnModel.tooltip ,3.0則是Column. tooltip 如下:
var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({ columns:[ {header:'名稱',dataIndex:'name',tooltip:'對象名稱'}, {header:'開始時間 - 結(jié)束時間 成功/失敗/成功率', dataIndex:'sucRate',tooltip:'成功/失敗/成功率'} ] });
ExtJS Grid Tooltip實現(xiàn)之二:單元格提示
然后對需要提示的單元格,重寫renderer函數(shù),添加ext:qtitle , ext:qtip這2個屬性即可。
這個在官方的FAQ上有詳細描述: http://extjs.com/learn/Ext_FAQ_Grid#Add_ToolTip_or_Qtip
//option 1 //======== renderer = function (data, metadata, record, rowIndex, columnIndex, store) { //build the qtip: var title = 'Details for ' + value + '-' + record.get('month') + '-' + record.get('year'); var tip = record.get('sunday_events'); metadata.attr = 'ext:qtitle="' + title + '"' + ' ext:qtip="' + tip + '"'; //return the display text: var displayText = '' + value + '' + record.get('sunday_events_short'); return displayText; }; //option 2 //======== renderer = function (data, metadata, record, rowIndex, columnIndex, store) { var qtip = '>'; if(data >= 0){ qtip = " qtip='yeah'/>"; return '< span ' + qtip + data + '%'; }else if(data < 0){ qtip = " qtip='woops'/>"; return '< span ' + qtip + data + '%'; } return data; }; //option 3 //======== var qtipTpl = new Ext.XTemplate( 'Phones:', '', '{phoneType}: {phoneNumber}', '' ); renderer = function (data, metadata, record, rowIndex, columnIndex, store) { // get data var data = record.data; // convert phones to array (only once) data.phones = Ext.isArray(data.phones) ? data.phones : this.getPhones(data.phones); // create tooltip var qtip = qtipTpl.apply(data.phones); metadata.attr = 'ext:qtitle="' + title + '"' + ' ext:qtip="' + tip + '"'; //return the display text: return data; };
ExtJS Grid Tooltip實現(xiàn)之三:行提示 RowTip
var myGrid = new Ext.grid.gridPanel(gridConfig); myGrid.on('render', function(grid) { var store = grid.getStore(); // Capture the Store. var view = grid.getView(); // Capture the GridView. myGrid.tip = new Ext.ToolTip({ target: view.mainBody, // The overall target element. delegate: '.x-grid3-row', // Each grid row causes its own seperate show and hide. trackMouse: true, // Moving within the row should not hide the tip. renderTo: document.body, // Render immediately so that tip.body can be referenced prior to the first show. listeners: { // Change content dynamically depending on which element triggered the show. beforeshow: function updateTipBody(tip) { var rowIndex = view.findRowIndex(tip.triggerElement); tip.body.dom.innerHTML = "Over Record ID " + store.getAt(rowIndex).id; } } }); });
到此,相信大家對“ExtJS Grid Tooltip的實現(xiàn)方式有哪些”有了更深的了解,不妨來實際操作一番吧!這里是億速云網(wǎng)站,更多相關(guān)內(nèi)容可以進入相關(guān)頻道進行查詢,關(guān)注我們,繼續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)!