1. Hibernate多條件查詢通用方法
//value[i]為第i個(gè)查詢條件propertyName[i]的值 (本方法已通過(guò)測(cè)試) /*多條件查詢,查詢條件的值為空時(shí)自動(dòng)除去該條件 * rigor為true時(shí)采用精確查詢 */ public List searchByPropertys(String model,String[]propertyName,Object[] value,int page,boolean rigor){ StringBuffer sqlBuffer = new StringBuffer(); String ralation=" like "; if(rigor){ ralation=" = "; } sqlBuffer.append("from "+model+" as model\n"); int len=propertyName.length; List list=new ArrayList(); boolean first=true; for(int i=0;i< len;i++){ if(value[i]!=null){ if(first){ sqlBuffer.append(" where "+ "model."+ propertyName[i] + ralation+" ?\n"); list.add(value[i]); first=false; }else{ sqlBuffer.append(" and "+ "model."+ propertyName[i] +ralation+ " ?\n"); list.add(value[i]); } } } try { Session session=getSession(); Query queryObject = session.createQuery(sqlBuffer.toString()); for(int i=0;i< list.size();i++){ if(rigor){ queryObject.setParameter(i, list.get(i)); }else{ queryObject.setParameter(i, "%"+list.get(i)+"%"); } } list=queryObject.list(); closeSession(session); return list; } catch (RuntimeException re) { log.error("find by property name failed", re); throw re; } }
2:hibernate多條件組合查詢 之 sql 拼接
public static void main(String[] args) { Session session = null; Transaction tx = null; List list = null; Criteria criteria = null; try { session = HibernateSessionFactory.getSession(); tx = session.beginTransaction(); DetachedCriteria detachedCriteria = DetachedCriteria .forClass(InfoTab.class); String sql=" 1=1 "; Integer pareaId = 0; // 父地區(qū); Integer careaId = 0; // 子地區(qū); Integer categoryId = 0; // 類別; String infoPrivider = "中介"; // 來(lái)源; String houseType= "地下室"; // 房屋類型; Integer hxBedRoom=0; // 室; Integer hxLivingRoom=0; // 廳; String hzHouseStatus="有房出租"; // 合租類型; String hzRequestSex="男"; // 性別要求; String fixUp="尚未"; // 裝修程度; Integer lcHeightMolecuse=0; // 樓層; String orientation="東南"; // 朝向要求; Integer buildArea=2000; // 建筑面積; Integer useArea=80; // 使用面積; Integer rentalDigit=2000; // 租金/價(jià)格; String title= "出租"; // 標(biāo)題; if(pareaId!=0) { sql+="pareaId=" + pareaId; } if(careaId!=0) { sql+=" and careaId=" + careaId; } if(categoryId!=0) { sql+=" and categoryId=" + categoryId; } if(!infoPrivider.equals("")) { sql+=" and infoPrivider='" + infoPrivider + "'"; } if(!houseType.equals("")) { sql+=" and houseType='" + houseType +"'"; } if(hxBedRoom!=0) { sql+=" and hxBedRoom=" + hxBedRoom; } if(hxLivingRoom!=0) { sql+=" and hxLivingRoom=" + hxLivingRoom; } if(!hzHouseStatus.equals("")) { sql+=" and hzHouseStatus='" + hzHouseStatus + "'"; } if(!hzRequestSex.equals("")) { sql+=" and hzRequestSex='" + hzRequestSex +"'"; } if(!fixUp.equals("")) { sql+=" and fixUp='" + fixUp + "'"; } if(lcHeightMolecuse!=0) { sql+=" and lcHeightMolecuse=" + lcHeightMolecuse; } if(!orientation.equals("")) { sql+=" and orientation='" + orientation + "'"; } if(buildArea!=0) { sql+=" and buildArea=" + buildArea; } if(useArea!=0) { sql+=" and useArea=" + useArea; } if(rentalDigit!=0) { sql+=" and rentalDigit=" + rentalDigit; } if(!title.equals("")) { sql+=" and title like '%" + title + "%'"; } sql+=" order by id desc"; System.out.println(sql); detachedCriteria.add(Restrictions.sqlRestriction(sql)); criteria = detachedCriteria.getExecutableCriteria(session); list = criteria.list(); for(int i=0;i< list.size();i++) { InfoTab infoTab = (InfoTab)list.get(i); System.out.println(infoTab.getTitle() +" "+ infoTab.getCategoryId() +" "+ infoTab.getPareaName() +" "+ infoTab.getCareaName() +" " + infoTab.getHouseType() +" " + infoTab.getInfoPrivider()); } tx.commit(); } catch (HibernateException he) { he.printStackTrace(); } }