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MySQL 5.6 參考手冊(cè)

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-07-05 12:35:40 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 閱讀:1721 作者:二哈MySQL 欄目:MySQL數(shù)據(jù)庫

MySQL 5.6 Reference Manual

MySQL 5.6 參考手冊(cè)

Including MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3-7.4 Reference Guide

包含 MySQLNDB 集群 7.3-7.4 參考指南


This is the MySQL Reference Manual. It documents MySQL 5.6 through 5.6.38, as well as NDB Cluster releases based on versions 7.3 and 7.4 of NDB through 5.6.36-ndb-7.3.18 and 5.6.36-ndb-7.4.16, respectively.


這是MySQL參考指南,它記錄了MySQL 5.6 到5.6.38 版本 ,以及NDB 集群發(fā)行版本7.3和7.4,他們分別基于 5.6.36-ndb-7.3.18 和 5.6.36-ndb-7.4.16。  

MySQL 5.6 features.  This manual describes features that are not included in every edition of MySQL 5.6; such features may not be included in the edition of MySQL 5.6 licensed to you. If you have any questions about the features included in your edition of MySQL 5.6, refer to your MySQL 5.6 license agreement or contact your Oracle sales representative.

For notes detailing the changes in each release, see the MySQL 5.6 Release Notes.

For legal information, see the Legal Notices.

For help with using MySQL, please visit either the MySQL Forums or MySQL Mailing Lists, where you can discuss your issues with other MySQL users.

For additional documentation on MySQL products, including translations of the documentation into other languages, and downloadable versions in variety of formats, including HTML and PDF formats, see the MySQL Documentation Library.

MySQL 5.6特性。手冊(cè)介紹了MySQL 5.6 每個(gè)版本所不包含的功能;如果您對(duì)MySQL 5.6版本中包含的功能有任何疑問,請(qǐng)參閱MySQL 5.6許可協(xié)議或與Oracle銷售代表聯(lián)系。

有關(guān)詳細(xì)說明每個(gè)版本更改的說明,請(qǐng)參閱 MySQL 5.6發(fā)行說明。


有關(guān)使用MySQL的幫助,請(qǐng)?jiān)L問 MySQL論壇或 MySQL郵件列表,您可以在其中與其他MySQL用戶討論您的問題。


Licensing information—MySQL 5.6.  This product may include third-party software, used under license. If you are using a Commercial release of MySQL 5.6, see this document for licensing information, including licensing information relating to third-party software that may be included in this Commercial release. If you are using aCommunity release of MySQL 5.6, see this document for licensing information, including licensing information relating to third-party software that may be included in this Community release.

許可信息 - MySQL 5.6。  本產(chǎn)品可能包含許可使用的第三方軟件。如果您使用的 是MySQL 5.6 的商業(yè)版本,請(qǐng)參閱 本文檔中的許可信息,包括與此商業(yè)版本中可能包含的第三方軟件有關(guān)的許可信息。如果您使用的是MySQL 5.6 的 社區(qū)版本,請(qǐng)參閱 本文檔中的許可信息,包括與本社區(qū)版本中可能包含的第三方軟件相關(guān)的許可信息。

Licensing information—NDB Cluster.  This product may include third-party software, used under license. If you are using a Commercial release of MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3 or NDB 7.4, see this document for licensing information, including licensing information relating to third-party software that may be included in this Commercial release. If you are using a Community release of MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3 or NDB 7.4, see this document for licensing information, including licensing information relating to third-party software that may be included in this Community release.

許可信息 - NDB群集。  本產(chǎn)品可能包含許可使用的第三方軟件。如果您使用 MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3或NDB 7.4 的商業(yè)版本,請(qǐng)參閱 本文檔以獲取許可信息,包括與此商業(yè)版本中可能包含的第三方軟件有關(guān)的許可信息。如果您正在使用MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3或NDB 7.4 的 社區(qū)版本,請(qǐng)參閱 本文檔以獲取許可信息,包括與本社區(qū)版本中可能包含的第三方軟件有關(guān)的許可信息。

Document generated on: 2017-06-03 (revision: 52434)


