declare cursor user_cur is select * from my_user; user_row my_user%rowtype; begin open user_cur; loop fetch user_cur into user_row; exit when user_cur%notfound; dbms_output.put_line(user_row.user_id||'----'||user_row.name); end loop; close user_cur; end;
declare cursor user_cur is select * from my_user; row_user my_user%rowtype; begin open user_cur; loop fetch user_cur into row_user; exit when user_cur%notfound; dbms_output.put_line(row_user.user_id||'----'||row_user.name||'----'||row_user.age); end loop; close user_cur; end;
declare cursor row_user is select * from my_user; type my_user_tab is table of my_user%rowtype; /* 定義和表my_user行對(duì)象一致的集合類型cur_row_user, 用于存放批量得到的數(shù)據(jù) */ cur_row_user my_user_tab; begin open row_user; loop /*從結(jié)果集中提取數(shù)據(jù),每次提取兩行*/ fetch row_user bulk collect into cur_row_user limit 2; /*遍歷集合cur_row_user中的數(shù)據(jù)*/ for i in 1..cur_row_user.count loop dbms_output.put_line(cur_row_user(i).user_id||'----'||cur_row_user(i).name||'----'||cur_row_user(i).age); end loop; exit when row_user%notfound; end loop; close row_user; end;
declare cursor user_cur is select * from my_user; type my_user_tab is table of my_user%rowtype; /* 定義和表my_user行對(duì)象一致的集合類型cur_user_cur, 用于存放批量得到的數(shù)據(jù) */ cur_user_cur my_user_tab; begin open user_cur; loop /*從結(jié)果集中提取數(shù)據(jù),每次提取兩行*/ fetch user_cur bulk collect into cur_user_cur limit 2; /*遍歷集合cur_user_cur中的數(shù)據(jù)*/ for i in 1..cur_user_cur.count loop dbms_output.put_line(cur_user_cur(i).user_id||'----'||cur_user_cur(i).name||'----'||cur_user_cur(i).age); end loop; exit when user_cur%notfound; end loop; close user_cur; end;
declare cursor user_cur is select * from my_user; begin for cdr in user_cur loop dbms_output.put_line(cdr.user_id||'----'||cdr.name||'----'||cdr.age); end loop; end; /*cursor for loop 不需要特別的申明變量,它可以提取出行對(duì)象類型數(shù)據(jù)*/
declare cursor user_cur is select * from my_user; cdr my_user%rowtype; begin if user_cur%isopen then fetch user_cur into cdr; dbms_output.put_line(cdr.user_id||'----'||cdr.name||'----'||cdr.age); else dbms_output.put_line('游標(biāo)沒(méi)有打開'); end if; end;
declare cursor user_cur is select * from my_user; cdr my_user%rowtype; begin open user_cur; if user_cur%isopen then loop fetch user_cur into cdr; exit when user_cur%notfound; dbms_output.put_line(cdr.user_id||'----'||cdr.name||'----'||cdr.age); end loop; else dbms_output.put_line('游標(biāo)沒(méi)有打開'); end if; end;
declare cursor user_cur is select * from my_user; cdr my_user%rowtype; begin open user_cur; loop fetch user_cur into cdr; if user_cur%found then dbms_output.put_line(cdr.user_id||'----'||cdr.name||'----'||cdr.age); else dbms_output.put_line('游標(biāo)沒(méi)有打開'); exit; end if; end loop; end;
declare /*這里的取值寫在declare和begin中都可以*/ v_user_id my_user.user_id%type:='&v_user_id'; /*這里的v_user_id的類型寫number和my_user.user_id%type都可以*/ cursor c_my_user(v_user_id my_user.user_id%type) is select * from my_user where user_id=v_user_id; cdr my_user%rowtype; begin open c_my_user(v_user_id); loop fetch c_my_user into cdr; if c_my_user%found then dbms_output.put_line(cdr.user_id||'----'||cdr.name||'----'||cdr.age); else dbms_output.put_line('游標(biāo)沒(méi)有打開'); exit; end if; end loop; end;