

點(diǎn)擊 登錄注冊(cè) 即表示同意《億速云用戶服務(wù)條款》


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2021-11-03 09:51:58 來(lái)源:億速云 閱讀:178 作者:小新 欄目:MySQL數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)


oak-online-alter-table小工具是用來(lái)實(shí)現(xiàn)MySQL Online DDL的

[root@idb4 ~]# rpm -ivh openark-kit-196-1.noarch.rpm
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:openark-kit            ########################################### [100%]


1、一個(gè)非阻塞ALTER TABLE操作,以下幾種情況都是支持的

   1)添加列 (新列必須有一個(gè)默認(rèn)值)

   2)刪除列 (舊表必須有一個(gè)單列的唯一索引)

   3)修改列 (改變字段類型,包括唯一鍵的列)

   4)添加索引 (普通索引,唯一索引,全文索引)


   6) 修改表引擎:當(dāng)處理非事務(wù)性引擎應(yīng)該格外注意



   1)對(duì)原始表ALTER TABLE操作


   3)使用LOAD DATA INFILE向原始表導(dǎo)入數(shù)據(jù)

   4)對(duì)原始表OPTIMIZE TABLE操作


沒(méi)有foreign key (沒(méi)有外鍵,oak-online-alter-table對(duì)有外鍵的表是沒(méi)有辦法的)

線上環(huán)境的oak 命令用法:

[root@idb4 data]# oak-online-alter-table --help
Usage: oak-online-alter-table [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u USER, --user=USER  MySQL user
  -H HOST, --host=HOST  MySQL host (default: localhost)
  -p PASSWORD, --password=PASSWORD
                        MySQL password
  --ask-pass            Prompt for password
  -P PORT, --port=PORT  TCP/IP port (default: 3306)
  -S SOCKET, --socket=SOCKET
                        MySQL socket file. Only applies when host is localhost
                        Read from MySQL configuration file. Overrides all
                        other options
  -d DATABASE, --database=DATABASE
                        Database name (required unless table is fully
  -t TABLE, --table=TABLE
                        Table to alter (optionally fully qualified)
  -g GHOST, --ghost=GHOST
                        Table name to serve as ghost. This table will be
                        created and synchronized with the original table
                        Comma delimited ALTER statement details, excluding the
                        'ALTER TABLE t' itself
  -c CHUNK_SIZE, --chunk-size=CHUNK_SIZE
                        Number of rows to act on in chunks. Default: 1000
  -l, --lock-chunks     Use LOCK TABLES for each chunk
  -N, --skip-binlog     Disable binary logging
  -r MAX_LOCK_RETRIES, --max-lock-retries=MAX_LOCK_RETRIES
                        Maximum times to retry on deadlock or
                        lock_wait_timeout. (default: 10; 0 is unlimited)
  --skip-delete-pass    Do not execute the DELETE data pass
  --sleep=SLEEP_MILLIS  Number of milliseconds to sleep between chunks.
                        Default: 0
                        Ratio of sleep time to execution time. Default: 0
  --cleanup             Remove custom triggers, ghost table from possible
                        previous runs
  -v, --verbose         Print user friendly messages
  -q, --quiet           Quiet mode, do not verbose



[root@idb4 ixinnuo_sfsj]# oak-online-alter-table -uroot -p123456 -S /tmp/mysql.sock --table=dsf_data --alter="ADD COLUMN duansf VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT ''"
-- ERROR: Errors found. Initiating cleanup
-- ERROR: No database specified. Specify with fully qualified table name or with -d or --database

[root@idb4 ixinnuo_sfsj]# oak-online-alter-table -uroot -p123456 -S /tmp/mysql.sock --database=ixinnuo_sfsj --table=dsf_data --alter="ADD COLUMN duansf VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT ''"
-- Connecting to MySQL
-- Table ixinnuo_sfsj.dsf_data is of engine innodb
-- Checking for UNIQUE columns on ixinnuo_sfsj.dsf_data, by which to chunk
-- Possible UNIQUE KEY column names in ixinnuo_sfsj.dsf_data:
-- - id,sh
-- Table ixinnuo_sfsj.__oak_dsf_data has been created
-- Table ixinnuo_sfsj.__oak_dsf_data has been altered
-- Checking for UNIQUE columns on ixinnuo_sfsj.__oak_dsf_data, by which to chunk
-- Possible UNIQUE KEY column names in ixinnuo_sfsj.__oak_dsf_data:
-- - id,sh
-- Checking for UNIQUE columns on ixinnuo_sfsj.dsf_data, by which to chunk
-- - Found following possible unique keys:
-- - id,sh (bigint)
-- Chosen unique key is 'id,sh'
-- Shared columns: status, update_time, kpjh, sh, month, create_time, fp_data, zfjh, id
-- Created AD trigger
-- Created AU trigger
-- Created AI trigger
-- Attempting to lock tables

-- Tables locked WRITE
-- id,sh (min, max) values: ([971717L, '33021155799011X'], [1174348L, '64010407380179X'])
-- Tables unlocked
-- - Reminder: altering ixinnuo_sfsj.dsf_data: ADD COLUMN duansf VARCHAR(64) ...
-- Copying range (971717,33021155799011X), (972716,440300683797687), progress: 0%
/usr/local/bin/oak-online-alter-table:84: Warning: Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. INSERT IGNORE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.
  num_affected_rows = cursor.execute(query)
/usr/local/bin/oak-online-alter-table:84: Warning: Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.
  num_affected_rows = cursor.execute(query)
-- Copying range (972716,440300683797687), (973716,340104688102768), progress: 0%
-- Copying range (973716,340104688102768), (974716,130302065712316), progress: 0%
-- Copying range (974716,130302065712316), (975716,91330201567021582Y), progress: 1%
-- Copying range (975716,91330201567021582Y), (976716,91330201567021582Y), progress: 1%
-- Copying range (976716,91330201567021582Y), (977716,91330201567021582Y), progress: 2%
-- Copying range (977716,91330201567021582Y), (978716,330226L66718333), progress: 2%
-- Copying range (978716,330226L66718333), (979716,34242119620528171701), progress: 3%
-- Copying range (979716,34242119620528171701), (980716,34242119620528171701), progress: 3%
-- Copying range (980716,34242119620528171701), (981716,330203074908847), progress: 4%
-- Copying range (981716,330203074908847), (982716,330226L17725262), progress: 4%
-- Copying range (982716,330226L17725262), (983716,91420100731061034W), progress: 5%
-- Copying range (983716,91420100731061034W), (984716,340104688102768), progress: 5%
-- Copying range (984716,340104688102768), (985716,440300683797687), progress: 6%
-- Copying range (985716,440300683797687), (986716,340181090787790), progress: 6%
-- Copying range (986716,340181090787790), (987716,91330201674719468Q), progress: 7%
-- Copying range (987716,91330201674719468Q), (988716,500108696565383), progress: 7%
-- Copying range (988716,500108696565383), (989716,440300590749985), progress: 8%
-- Copying range (989716,440300590749985), (990716,330281717286130), progress: 8%
-- Copying range (990716,330281717286130), (991716,130302065712316), progress: 9%
-- - Reminder: altering ixinnuo_sfsj.dsf_data: ADD COLUMN duansf VARCHAR(64) ...
-- Copying range (991716,130302065712316), (992716,131102063134364), progress: 9%
-- Copying range (992716,131102063134364), (993716,330204756267282), progress: 10%
-- Copying range (993716,330204756267282), (994716,91110105318223036H), progress: 10%
-- Copying range (994716,91110105318223036H), (995716,91420117572023195P), progress: 11%
-- Copying range (995716,91420117572023195P), (996716,91330204MA2824NX66), progress: 11%
-- Copying range (996716,91330204MA2824NX66), (997716,913205065617808877), progress: 12%
-- Copying range (997716,913205065617808877), (998716,500903765946981), progress: 12%
-- Copying range (998716,500903765946981), (999716,440301724700897), progress: 13%
-- Copying range (999716,440301724700897), (1000716,330282587473615), progress: 13%
-- Copying range (1000716,330282587473615), (1001716,913302011447225710), progress: 14%
-- Copying range (1001716,913302011447225710), (1002716,91330203573663733B), progress: 14%
-- Copying range (1002716,91330203573663733B), (1003716,91330204053841348X), progress: 15%
-- Copying range (1003716,91330204053841348X), (1004716,91330204053841348X), progress: 15%
-- Copying range (1004716,91330204053841348X), (1005716,310228630999533), progress: 16%
-- Copying range (1005716,310228630999533), (1006716,310228630999533), progress: 16%
-- Copying range (1006716,310228630999533), (1007716,91310112679338381W), progress: 17%
-- Copying range (1007716,91310112679338381W), (1008716,330227563850615), progress: 17%
-- Copying range (1008716,330227563850615), (1009716,330227563850615), progress: 18%
-- Copying range (1009716,330227563850615), (1010716,330227563850615), progress: 18%
-- Copying range (1010716,330227563850615), (1011716,330203698235871), progress: 19%
-- - Reminder: altering ixinnuo_sfsj.dsf_data: ADD COLUMN duansf VARCHAR(64) ...
-- Copying range (1011716,330203698235871), (1012716,9133028214483969XM), progress: 19%
-- Copying range (1012716,9133028214483969XM), (1013716,440301772706775), progress: 20%
-- Copying range (1013716,440301772706775), (1014716,9133028214483969XM), progress: 20%
-- Copying range (1014716,9133028214483969XM), (1015716,91330226747385420R), progress: 21%
-- Copying range (1015716,91330226747385420R), (1016716,330203665593904), progress: 21%
-- Copying range (1016716,330203665593904), (1017716,131102063134364), progress: 22%
-- Copying range (1017716,131102063134364), (1018716,330226758887514), progress: 22%
-- Copying range (1018716,330226758887514), (1019716,330226758887514), progress: 23%
-- Copying range (1019716,330226758887514), (1020716,91330226062904195F), progress: 23%
-- Deleting range (1158716,330281L41374386), (1159716,330281L41374386), progress: 92%
-- Deleting range (1159716,330281L41374386), (1160716,510107743634485), progress: 92%
-- Deleting range (1160716,510107743634485), (1161716,110108569534285), progress: 93%
-- Deleting range (1161716,110108569534285), (1162716,91330212681091461J), progress: 93%
-- Deleting range (1162716,91330212681091461J), (1163716,91330212681091461J), progress: 94%
-- Deleting range (1163716,91330212681091461J), (1164716,91330206695072544C), progress: 94%
-- Deleting range (1164716,91330206695072544C), (1165716,91330206695072544C), progress: 95%
-- Deleting range (1165716,91330206695072544C), (1166716,330282780442490), progress: 95%
-- Deleting range (1166716,330282780442490), (1167716,330204736982430), progress: 96%
-- Deleting range (1167716,330204736982430), (1168716,64010407380179X), progress: 96%
-- Deleting range (1168716,64010407380179X), (1169716,91330281684260355F), progress: 97%
-- Deleting range (1169716,91330281684260355F), (1170716,915002367116623424), progress: 97%
-- Deleting range (1170716,915002367116623424), (1171716,91310112679338381W), progress: 98%
-- - Reminder: altering ixinnuo_sfsj.dsf_data: ADD COLUMN duansf VARCHAR(64) ...
-- Deleting range (1171716,91310112679338381W), (1172716,91330204726429965L), progress: 98%
-- Deleting range (1172716,91330204726429965L), (1173716,91510113732356280Q), progress: 99%
-- Deleting range (1173716,91510113732356280Q), (1174348,64010407380179X), progress: 99%
-- Deleting range 100% complete. Number of rows: 0
-- Table ixinnuo_sfsj.dsf_data has been renamed to ixinnuo_sfsj.__arc_dsf_data,
-- and table ixinnuo_sfsj.__oak_dsf_data has been renamed to ixinnuo_sfsj.dsf_data
-- Table ixinnuo_sfsj.__arc_dsf_data was found and dropped
-- ALTER TABLE completed


mysql> show columns from dsf_data;
| Field       | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id          | bigint(20)   | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| SH          | varchar(32)  | NO   | PRI |         |                |
| KPJH        | varchar(32)  | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| ZFJH        | varchar(32)  | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| MONTH       | varchar(10)  | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| STATUS      | varchar(255) | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| CREATE_TIME | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| UPDATE_TIME | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| FP_DATA     | mediumtext   | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| duansf      | varchar(64)  | YES  |     |         |                |    duansf為新增加的列  
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)


[root@idb4 ixinnuo_sfsj]# oak-online-alter-table -uroot -p123456 -S /tmp/mysql.sock --database=ixinnuo_sfsj --table=dsf_data --alter="ADD KEY(duansf)"
-- Connecting to MySQL
-- Table ixinnuo_sfsj.dsf_data is of engine innodb
-- Checking for UNIQUE columns on ixinnuo_sfsj.dsf_data, by which to chunk
-- Possible UNIQUE KEY column names in ixinnuo_sfsj.dsf_data:
-- - id,sh
-- Table ixinnuo_sfsj.__oak_dsf_data has been created
-- Table ixinnuo_sfsj.__oak_dsf_data has been altered
-- Checking for UNIQUE columns on ixinnuo_sfsj.__oak_dsf_data, by which to chunk
-- Possible UNIQUE KEY column names in ixinnuo_sfsj.__oak_dsf_data:
-- - id,sh
-- Checking for UNIQUE columns on ixinnuo_sfsj.dsf_data, by which to chunk
-- - Found following possible unique keys:
-- - id,sh (bigint)
-- Chosen unique key is 'id,sh'
-- Shared columns: status, update_time, kpjh, duansf, month, sh, create_time, fp_data, zfjh, id
-- Created AD trigger
-- Created AU trigger
-- Created AI trigger
-- Attempting to lock tables

-- Tables locked WRITE
-- id,sh (min, max) values: ([971717L, '33021155799011X'], [1174348L, '64010407380179X'])
-- Tables unlocked
-- - Reminder: altering ixinnuo_sfsj.dsf_data: ADD KEY(duansf)...
-- Copying range (971717,33021155799011X), (972716,440300683797687), progress: 0%
/usr/local/bin/oak-online-alter-table:84: Warning: Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. INSERT IGNORE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.
  num_affected_rows = cursor.execute(query)
/usr/local/bin/oak-online-alter-table:84: Warning: Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.
  num_affected_rows = cursor.execute(query)
-- Copying range (972716,440300683797687), (973716,340104688102768), progress: 0%
-- Copying range (973716,340104688102768), (974716,130302065712316), progress: 0%
-- Copying range (974716,130302065712316), (975716,91330201567021582Y), progress: 1%
-- Copying range (975716,91330201567021582Y), (976716,91330201567021582Y), progress: 1%
-- Copying range (976716,91330201567021582Y), (977716,91330201567021582Y), progress: 2%
-- Copying range (977716,91330201567021582Y), (978716,330226L66718333), progress: 2%
-- Copying range (978716,330226L66718333), (979716,34242119620528171701), progress: 3%
-- Copying range (979716,34242119620528171701), (980716,34242119620528171701), progress: 3%
-- Copying range (980716,34242119620528171701), (981716,330203074908847), progress: 4%
-- Copying range (981716,330203074908847), (982716,330226L17725262), progress: 4%
-- Copying range (982716,330226L17725262), (983716,91420100731061034W), progress: 5%
-- Copying range (983716,91420100731061034W), (984716,340104688102768), progress: 5%
-- Copying range (984716,340104688102768), (985716,440300683797687), progress: 6%
-- Copying range (985716,440300683797687), (986716,340181090787790), progress: 6%
-- Copying range (986716,340181090787790), (987716,91330201674719468Q), progress: 7%
-- Copying range (987716,91330201674719468Q), (988716,500108696565383), progress: 7%
-- Copying range (988716,500108696565383), (989716,440300590749985), progress: 8%
-- Copying range (989716,440300590749985), (990716,330281717286130), progress: 8%
-- Copying range (990716,330281717286130), (991716,130302065712316), progress: 9%
-- - Reminder: altering ixinnuo_sfsj.dsf_data: ADD KEY(duansf)...
-- Copying range (991716,130302065712316), (992716,131102063134364), progress: 9%
-- Copying range (992716,131102063134364), (993716,330204756267282), progress: 10%
-- Copying range (993716,330204756267282), (994716,91110105318223036H), progress: 10%

-- Deleting range (1148716,330206563854464), (1149716,330281704899333), progress: 87%
-- Deleting range (1149716,330281704899333), (1150716,91330281725139747P), progress: 87%
-- Deleting range (1150716,91330281725139747P), (1151716,91330281725139747P), progress: 88%
-- - Reminder: altering ixinnuo_sfsj.dsf_data: ADD KEY(duansf)...
-- Deleting range (1151716,91330281725139747P), (1152716,64010407380179X), progress: 88%
-- Deleting range (1152716,64010407380179X), (1153716,330211730184147), progress: 89%
-- Deleting range (1153716,330211730184147), (1154716,91640300MA75WH5L9P), progress: 89%
-- Deleting range (1154716,91640300MA75WH5L9P), (1155716,330282662070630), progress: 90%
-- Deleting range (1155716,330282662070630), (1156716,913302037204794358), progress: 90%
-- Deleting range (1156716,913302037204794358), (1157716,64010407380179X), progress: 91%
-- Deleting range (1157716,64010407380179X), (1158716,330281L41374386), progress: 91%
-- Deleting range (1158716,330281L41374386), (1159716,330281L41374386), progress: 92%
-- Deleting range (1159716,330281L41374386), (1160716,510107743634485), progress: 92%
-- Deleting range (1160716,510107743634485), (1161716,110108569534285), progress: 93%
-- Deleting range (1161716,110108569534285), (1162716,91330212681091461J), progress: 93%
-- Deleting range (1162716,91330212681091461J), (1163716,91330212681091461J), progress: 94%
-- Deleting range (1163716,91330212681091461J), (1164716,91330206695072544C), progress: 94%
-- Deleting range (1164716,91330206695072544C), (1165716,91330206695072544C), progress: 95%
-- Deleting range (1165716,91330206695072544C), (1166716,330282780442490), progress: 95%
-- Deleting range (1166716,330282780442490), (1167716,330204736982430), progress: 96%
-- Deleting range (1167716,330204736982430), (1168716,64010407380179X), progress: 96%
-- Deleting range (1168716,64010407380179X), (1169716,91330281684260355F), progress: 97%
-- Deleting range (1169716,91330281684260355F), (1170716,915002367116623424), progress: 97%
-- Deleting range (1170716,915002367116623424), (1171716,91310112679338381W), progress: 98%
-- - Reminder: altering ixinnuo_sfsj.dsf_data: ADD KEY(duansf)...
-- Deleting range (1171716,91310112679338381W), (1172716,91330204726429965L), progress: 98%
-- Deleting range (1172716,91330204726429965L), (1173716,91510113732356280Q), progress: 99%
-- Deleting range (1173716,91510113732356280Q), (1174348,64010407380179X), progress: 99%
-- Deleting range 100% complete. Number of rows: 0
-- Table ixinnuo_sfsj.dsf_data has been renamed to ixinnuo_sfsj.__arc_dsf_data,
-- and table ixinnuo_sfsj.__oak_dsf_data has been renamed to ixinnuo_sfsj.dsf_data
-- Table ixinnuo_sfsj.__arc_dsf_data was found and dropped
-- ALTER TABLE completed

mysql> show index from dsf_data;
| Table    | Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment | Index_comment |
| dsf_data |          0 | PRIMARY  |            1 | id          | A         |      169898 |     NULL | NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |               |
| dsf_data |          0 | PRIMARY  |            2 | SH          | A         |      169898 |     NULL | NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |               |
| dsf_data |          1 | index_sh |            1 | SH          | A         |        1296 |     NULL | NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |               |
| dsf_data |          1 | duansf   |            1 | duansf      | A         |           6 |     NULL | NULL   | YES  | BTREE      |         |               | duansf為新增加的key
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