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GoldenGate OGG-01004 ORA-01400 Cannot insert null into ...

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-08-08 12:22:25 來源:ITPUB博客 閱讀:307 作者:abstractcyj 欄目:關(guān)系型數(shù)據(jù)庫

OGG出現(xiàn)故障, ORA-01400, cannot insert null into “TEST“.“TEST“
目標(biāo)端復(fù)制進(jìn)程使用了配置HANDLECOLLISIONS, 此配置在目標(biāo)端更新時(shí),如果更新不到數(shù)據(jù),會(huì)將UPDATE轉(zhuǎn)換成insert

做了以下步驟, 這里是臨時(shí)解決方案:
1. 將列修改成null: alter table test modify col1 null;
2. 啟動(dòng)復(fù)制進(jìn)程
3. 檢查數(shù)據(jù):select count(*) from test where col1 is null (發(fā)現(xiàn)有八條)
4. 處理并手工同步這八條數(shù)據(jù)
5. 將字段改成not null : alter table test modify col1 not null;

最終解決: 需要加入表的所有列的附加日志: alter table test add supplemental log data (ALL) columns;
DDL操作在生產(chǎn)環(huán)境較為危險(xiǎn), 暫緩動(dòng)作

MOS文檔ID: Replicat Abends With Errror ORA-01400: Cannot Insert NULL Into Table for Not Null Columns When Specifying INSERTALLRECORDS (文檔 ID 1994869.1)

                      REPLICAT Reports ORA-01400: Cannot Insert NULL When Using HANDLECOLLISIONS (文檔 ID 1576900.1)

REPLICAT tried to UPDATE an existing row, but none was found, so due to parameter HANDLECOLLISIONS, the failed UPDATE was converted into an INSERT.
That INSERT then failed because the Trail file did not have all the columns, because the record was for an UPDATE for 5 out of 15 columns, where the table on the Oracle database had the NOT NULL constraint set for all columns.

The cause of the problem has been determined from the following points;

  • The REPLICAT report shows the message "... inserting a row into USER1.TABLE1 due to missing target row for a key update operation. " 
    where the key words are " missing target row for a key update ". 
    This means there was no row to UPDATE, for the change record found in the Trail file.
  • The REPLICAT had the HANDLECOLLISIONS parameter set.
  • The GoldenGate Reference Guide shows that when HANDLECOLLISIONS is used, failed UPDATE's will be converted into INSERT's 
    "If the row with the old key is not found in the target, the change record in the trail is converted to an insert".
  • The REPLICAT report finally shows that after the failed UPDATE was reported, the INSERT also failed.  
    The INSERT failed because the Trail file record only had 5 out of 15 columns, where the table is defined with NOT NULL on all the columns.  
    This then caused the Oracle database error: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL...

