Code | Category | 推薦 索引接口 |
A | Array types | gin |
B | Boolean types | btree , 不建議加索引,選擇性不好 |
C | Composite types | - |
D | Date/time types | btree |
E | Enum types | - |
G | Geometric types | gist |
I | Network address types | gist, spgist |
N | Numeric types | btree |
P | Pseudo-types | - |
R | Range types | gist, spgist |
S | String types | btree : varchar text_pattern_ops , bpchar bpchar_pattern_ops ; 模糊查詢(pg_trgm) gin : varchar gin_trgm_ops |
T | Timespan types | btree |
U | User-defined types | - |
V | Bit-string types | - |
X | unknown type | - |
select typcategory , typname from pg_type order by 1,2;
Code | Category | 推薦 索引接口 |
U | aclitem | - |
U | box2d | - |
U | box2df | - |
U | box3d | - |
U | bytea | - |
U | cid | - |
U | gbtreekey16 | - |
U | gbtreekey32 | - |
U | gbtreekey4 | - |
U | gbtreekey8 | - |
U | gbtreekey_var | - |
U | geography | gist |
U | geometry | gist |
U | gidx | - |
U | gtrgm | - |
U | gtsvector | - |
U | json | gin |
U | jsonb | gin , OPS : jsonb_path_ops |
U | macaddr | - |
U | macaddr8 | - |
U | pg_lsn | - |
U | pgis_abs | - |
U | raster | - |
U | refcursor | - |
U | smgr | - |
U | spheroid | - |
U | tid | - |
U | tsquery | gin, rum |
U | tsvector | gin, rum |
U | txid_snapshot | - |
U | uuid | hash |
U | xid | btree |
U | xml | - |
create or replace function gen_whole_index_sqls( v_nsp name, v_tbl name, v_tbs name ) returns text[] as $$ declare v_attname name; v_typid oid; v_typca "char"; v_typname name; res text[]; idxprefix text := to_char(clock_timestamp(),'yyyymmddhh34miss'); idxsuffix int := 1; sql text := 'create index IF NOT EXISTS i'||idxprefix||'_%s on '||quote_ident(v_nsp)||'.'||quote_ident(v_tbl)||' using %s (%I %s) tablespace '||quote_ident(v_tbs)||' ;'; begin for v_attname,v_typid in select attname,atttypid from pg_attribute where not attisdropped and attnum >= 1 and attrelid=(quote_ident(v_nsp)||'.'||quote_ident(v_tbl))::regclass loop select typcategory,typname into v_typca,v_typname from pg_type where oid=v_typid; case v_typca when 'A' then res := array_append(res, format(sql,idxsuffix,'gin',v_attname,'')); when 'D', 'N', 'T' then res := array_append(res, format(sql,idxsuffix,'btree',v_attname,'')); when 'S' then if v_typname='text' or v_typname='varchar' then res := array_append(res, format(sql,idxsuffix,'btree',v_attname,'text_pattern_ops')); elsif v_typname='bpchar' then res := array_append(res, format(sql,idxsuffix,'btree',v_attname,'bpchar_pattern_ops')); else res := array_append(res, format(sql,idxsuffix,'btree',v_attname,'')); end if; -- 如果字符串要支持模糊查詢,使用gin索引 -- if v_typname='text' or v_typname='varchar' then -- res := array_append(res, format(sql,idxsuffix,'gin',v_attname,'gin_trgm_ops')); -- else -- res := array_append(res, format(sql,idxsuffix,'btree',v_attname,'')); -- end if; when 'G' then if v_typname not in ('line') then res := array_append(res, format(sql,idxsuffix,'gist',v_attname,'')); else continue; end if; when 'I', 'R' then res := array_append(res, format(sql,idxsuffix,'gist',v_attname,'')); -- 可選spgist -- res := array_append(res, format(sql,idxsuffix,'spgist',v_attname,'')); when 'U' then case v_typname when 'geography', 'geometry' then res := array_append(res, format(sql,idxsuffix,'gist',v_attname,'')); when 'jsonb' then res := array_append(res, format(sql,idxsuffix,'gin',v_attname,'jsonb_path_ops')); -- 可選默認(rèn)gin ops -- https://www.postgresql.org/docs/11/static/datatype-json.html#JSON-INDEXING -- res := array_append(res, format(sql,idxsuffix,'gin',v_attname,'')); when 'tsvector' then res := array_append(res, format(sql,idxsuffix,'gin',v_attname,'')); when 'uuid', 'xid' then res := array_append(res, format(sql,idxsuffix,'hash',v_attname,'')); else continue; end case; else continue; end case; idxsuffix := idxsuffix+1; end loop; return res; end; $$ language plpgsql strict;
create table "你好t12" ( c1 int, "-_c2&a-b" int8, c3 text, c4 varchar(1000), c5 char(1000), c6 "char", c7 timestamp, c8 interval, c9 int[], c10 tsvector, c11 tsquery, c12 time, c13 date, c14 numeric, c15 float, c16 point, c17 box, c18 line, c19 circle, c20 inet, c21 cidr, c22 int8range, c23 tsrange, c24 geometry, c25 geography, c26 uuid, c27 xid, c28 json, c29 jsonb );
select * from unnest(gen_whole_index_sqls('public','你好t12','pg_default')); unnest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ create index IF NOT EXISTS i20180903171836_1 on public."你好t12" using btree (c1 ) tablespace pg_default ; create index IF NOT EXISTS i20180903171836_2 on public."你好t12" using btree ("-_c2&a-b" ) tablespace pg_default ; create index IF NOT EXISTS i20180903171836_3 on public."你好t12" using btree (c3 text_pattern_ops) tablespace pg_default ; create index IF NOT EXISTS i20180903171836_4 on public."你好t12" using btree (c4 text_pattern_ops) tablespace pg_default ; create index IF NOT EXISTS i20180903171836_5 on public."你好t12" using btree (c5 bpchar_pattern_ops) tablespace pg_default ; create index IF NOT EXISTS i20180903171836_6 on public."你好t12" using btree (c6 ) tablespace pg_default ; create index IF NOT EXISTS i20180903171836_7 on public."你好t12" using btree (c7 ) tablespace pg_default ; create index IF NOT EXISTS i20180903171836_8 on public."你好t12" using btree (c8 ) tablespace pg_default ; create index IF NOT EXISTS i20180903171836_9 on public."你好t12" using gin (c9 ) tablespace pg_default ; create index IF NOT EXISTS i20180903171836_10 on public."你好t12" using gin (c10 ) tablespace pg_default ; create index IF NOT EXISTS i20180903171836_11 on public."你好t12" using btree (c12 ) tablespace pg_default ; create index IF NOT EXISTS i20180903171836_12 on public."你好t12" using btree (c13 ) tablespace pg_default ; create index IF NOT EXISTS i20180903171836_13 on public."你好t12" using btree (c14 ) tablespace pg_default ; create index IF NOT EXISTS i20180903171836_14 on public."你好t12" using btree (c15 ) tablespace pg_default ; create index IF NOT EXISTS i20180903171836_15 on public."你好t12" using gist (c16 ) tablespace pg_default ; create index IF NOT EXISTS i20180903171836_16 on public."你好t12" using gist (c17 ) tablespace pg_default ; create index IF NOT EXISTS i20180903171836_17 on public."你好t12" using gist (c19 ) tablespace pg_default ; create index IF NOT EXISTS i20180903171836_18 on public."你好t12" using gist (c20 ) tablespace pg_default ; create index IF NOT EXISTS i20180903171836_19 on public."你好t12" using gist (c21 ) tablespace pg_default ; create index IF NOT EXISTS i20180903171836_20 on public."你好t12" using gist (c22 ) tablespace pg_default ; create index IF NOT EXISTS i20180903171836_21 on public."你好t12" using gist (c23 ) tablespace pg_default ; create index IF NOT EXISTS i20180903171836_22 on public."你好t12" using gist (c24 ) tablespace pg_default ; create index IF NOT EXISTS i20180903171836_23 on public."你好t12" using gist (c25 ) tablespace pg_default ; create index IF NOT EXISTS i20180903171836_24 on public."你好t12" using hash (c26 ) tablespace pg_default ; create index IF NOT EXISTS i20180903171836_25 on public."你好t12" using hash (c27 ) tablespace pg_default ; create index IF NOT EXISTS i20180903171836_26 on public."你好t12" using gin (c29 jsonb_path_ops) tablespace pg_default ; (26 rows)
《PostgreSQL dblink異步調(diào)用實(shí)踐,跑并行多任務(wù) - 例如開N個并行后臺任務(wù)創(chuàng)建索引, 開N個后臺任務(wù)跑若干SQL》
select * from run_sqls_parallel(6, gen_whole_index_sqls('public','你好t12','pg_default')) as t(a text); NOTICE: the last 3 tasks running. NOTICE: whole tasks done. run_sqls_parallel ------------------- (1 row)
postgres=# \d 你好t12 Table "public.你好t12" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default ----------+-----------------------------+-----------+----------+--------- c1 | integer | | | -_c2&a-b | bigint | | | c3 | text | | | c4 | character varying(1000) | | | c5 | character(1000) | | | c6 | "char" | | | c7 | timestamp without time zone | | | c8 | interval | | | c9 | integer[] | | | c10 | tsvector | | | c11 | tsquery | | | c12 | time without time zone | | | c13 | date | | | c14 | numeric | | | c15 | double precision | | | c16 | point | | | c17 | box | | | c18 | line | | | c19 | circle | | | c20 | inet | | | c21 | cidr | | | c22 | int8range | | | c23 | tsrange | | | c24 | geometry | | | c25 | geography | | | c26 | uuid | | | c27 | xid | | | c28 | json | | | c29 | jsonb | | | Indexes: "i20180903171855_1" btree (c1) "i20180903171855_10" gin (c10) "i20180903171855_11" btree (c12) "i20180903171855_12" btree (c13) "i20180903171855_13" btree (c14) "i20180903171855_14" btree (c15) "i20180903171855_15" gist (c16) "i20180903171855_16" gist (c17) "i20180903171855_17" gist (c19) "i20180903171855_18" gist (c20) "i20180903171855_19" gist (c21) "i20180903171855_2" btree ("-_c2&a-b") "i20180903171855_20" gist (c22) "i20180903171855_21" gist (c23) "i20180903171855_22" gist (c24) "i20180903171855_23" gist (c25) "i20180903171855_24" hash (c26) "i20180903171855_25" hash (c27) "i20180903171855_26" gin (c29 jsonb_path_ops) "i20180903171855_3" btree (c3 text_pattern_ops) "i20180903171855_4" btree (c4 text_pattern_ops) "i20180903171855_5" btree (c5 bpchar_pattern_ops) "i20180903171855_6" btree (c6) "i20180903171855_7" btree (c7) "i20180903171855_8" btree (c8) "i20180903171855_9" gin (c9)
postgres=# \di i20180903171855_* List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Table --------+--------------------+-------+----------+--------- public | i20180903171855_1 | index | postgres | 你好t12 public | i20180903171855_10 | index | postgres | 你好t12 public | i20180903171855_11 | index | postgres | 你好t12 public | i20180903171855_12 | index | postgres | 你好t12 public | i20180903171855_13 | index | postgres | 你好t12 public | i20180903171855_14 | index | postgres | 你好t12 public | i20180903171855_15 | index | postgres | 你好t12 public | i20180903171855_16 | index | postgres | 你好t12 public | i20180903171855_17 | index | postgres | 你好t12 public | i20180903171855_18 | index | postgres | 你好t12 public | i20180903171855_19 | index | postgres | 你好t12 public | i20180903171855_2 | index | postgres | 你好t12 public | i20180903171855_20 | index | postgres | 你好t12 public | i20180903171855_21 | index | postgres | 你好t12 public | i20180903171855_22 | index | postgres | 你好t12 public | i20180903171855_23 | index | postgres | 你好t12 public | i20180903171855_24 | index | postgres | 你好t12 public | i20180903171855_25 | index | postgres | 你好t12 public | i20180903171855_26 | index | postgres | 你好t12 public | i20180903171855_3 | index | postgres | 你好t12 public | i20180903171855_4 | index | postgres | 你好t12 public | i20180903171855_5 | index | postgres | 你好t12 public | i20180903171855_6 | index | postgres | 你好t12 public | i20180903171855_7 | index | postgres | 你好t12 public | i20180903171855_8 | index | postgres | 你好t12 public | i20180903171855_9 | index | postgres | 你好t12 (26 rows)
gen_whole_index_sqls('name space','表名','表空間名')
select * from run_sqls_parallel(6, gen_whole_index_sqls('public','你好t12','pg_default')) as t(a text);
3、結(jié)合表的統(tǒng)計信息(analyze table后),可以把生成CREATE INDEX SQL做得更加完美。