#include "Campus.h" #include "List.h" /*校園運功會報名系統(tǒng) 實現(xiàn)報名信息錄入 和 展示 */ /* 信息錄入 1 . 建立運動會項目信息表 , 字段包括 , 項目編號 , 項目名稱 , 學生姓名 ,院系 ,班級 ,性別 年齡,參賽時間 ,報名時間 ; 2 完成運動會報名信息新增頁 , 3 查詢報名 情況 4管理員系統(tǒng)可以更改報名截止時間 和 運動員的可想更改 (可以改成英文版和中文版切換) */ int main() { ShowPage(); return 0; }
#ifndef CAMPUS_H #define CAMPUS_H #include "List.h" void ShowPage(); void MenuChoose(); // 主菜單 void Apply_System();// 報名系統(tǒng) void Show_Apply_System(); // 報名系統(tǒng)頁面 void Apply_Information_Query();// 信息查詢 void show_in_AdSYstem();// 管理員展示頁面 void Administrator_System();// 管理員系統(tǒng); void Athlete_Information(); // 運動員信息查詢 void Sport_item_sign(); // 運動項目報名 void printList_new(Message &M); // 打印帶有項目的信息 bool Judge_IF_sign(char *) ; // 判斷學生是否報名項目 void Point_Base_Me(char *Temp); // 打印運動員信息 void AD_Menu(); // 管理員系統(tǒng)菜單 void Manage_system();// 管理員系統(tǒng) void Log_Administrator(); void AD_Menu2(); void Cancel_signup(); void Revise_Data(); void Enter_Adsystem(); // 管理員登錄 bool Judge_IF_Past_due();// 判斷是否逾期; extern void Go_back1(); // 返回第一頁 extern void Go_back2(); // 返回第二頁; extern void Go_back3(); extern void Go_back4(); #endif // CAMPUS_H
#include "List.h" #include "Campus.h" #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <windows.h> #include <io.h> using namespace std ; void Gettime_f(int &year ,int &month ,int &day ,int &hours ,int &minutes ,int &second ) { /*獲取本地時間 */ time_t now ; struct tm *tm_now ; time(&now) ; tm_now = localtime(&now) ; year = tm_now->tm_year+1900 ; month = tm_now->tm_mon+1 ; day = tm_now->tm_mday ; hours = tm_now->tm_hour ; minutes = tm_now->tm_min ; second = tm_now->tm_sec ; return ; } Status List::CreatList(LinkList &L,int n) { // 創(chuàng)建鏈表; int i ; time_t now ; struct tm *tm_now ; time(&now) ; tm_now = localtime(&now) ; LinkList p ; LinkList head =NULL ; LinkList Last ; for(i=0 ; i<n ;i++) { system("cls"); cout<<"請輸入第 " <<i+1<<"名學生信息 : "<<endl; p = (LinkList )malloc(sizeof(LNode)) ; if(p==NULL) { cout<<"CreatList fail "<<endl; exit(ERROR) ; } cout<<"姓名"<<" " ; cin>> p->data.name ; cout<<endl; cout<<"學號"<<" :"; cin >>p->data.IDcard ; cout<<endl; cout<<"性別"<<" :" ; cin>> p->data.gender; cout<<endl; cout<<"年齡"<<" :" ; cin>> p->data.age ; cout<<endl; cout<<"學院"<<" :" ; cin>> p->data.Institute ; cout<<endl; cout<<"班級"<<" :" ; cin>> p->data.Class; cout<<endl; /* strcpy(p->data.sport_it1,"000"); strcpy(p->data.sport_it2,"000");*/ p->next = NULL ; Gettime_f(p->data.Join_time.year ,p->data.Join_time.month ,p->data.Join_time.day ,p->data.Join_time.hours ,p->data.Join_time.minutes ,p->data.Join_time.second) ; if(head == NULL) head = p ; else { Last->next = p ; } Last = p ; } L = head ; FILE_Memory(L); cout<< " 信息錄用成功"<< endl; return OK ; } Status List::GetElem(LinkList &L,int i ,Message &e) { /* 條件:線性表存在; 操作結果 : 如果 i 合法 得到線性表第i位置上的元素,反饋給e ; L 是不帶頭結點的; */ LinkList p ; if(!L) { cout<<" GetElem failed"<<endl; exit(ERROR) ; } p = L ; int k = 1 ; while(p) { if(k>=i) break ; ++k; p = p->next ; } if(!p || k>i) { cout<<"沒找到"<<endl; e.age = UNFOUND ; e.gender = 'F' ; strcpy(e.Class,""); strcpy(e.Institute,""); strcpy(e.name,""); } e = p->data ; return OK ; } Status List::printList(LinkList &L ) { /* 打印線性表 */ LinkList p = L ; while(p) { cout<<"姓名 : " <<p->data.name <<endl; cout<<"學號 : " <<p->data.IDcard <<endl; cout<<"性別 : "<<p->data.gender<<endl; cout<<"年齡 : "<<p->data.age<<endl; cout<<"學院 : "<<p->data.Institute<<endl; cout<<"班級 : "<<p->data.Class<<endl; cout<<"報名時間 : "<<p->data.Join_time.year<<"-"<<p->data.Join_time.month<<"-"<< p->data.Join_time.day <<" "<<p->data.Join_time.hours<<":"<<p->data.Join_time.minutes<<":"<<p->data.Join_time.second<<endl; p = p->next ; } return OK; } void FILE_Memory(LinkList &L) { FILE *fin ; int res ; char m[MAX] ; char n[MAX] ; char Name[MAX] ; LinkList p = L; if(L==NULL) { cout<<"L is NULL "<<endl; exit(0); } char cpy_Path[MAX] ={'\0'} ; system("cls"); while(p) { //再加一個掃描 , 看是否有重名 ; strcpy(cpy_Path,Path2) ; char T[MAX] ; strcpy(T,strcat( strcat(cpy_Path,p->data.IDcard),".txt")); int Judge = ScanRepetition(T) ;// 掃描是否有重名; if(Judge == 0) // 存在返回0 { char ch ; cout<<"你輸入的學號已經(jīng)被錄入或者您輸入的學號有誤,請不要重復錄入. "<<endl; remove(T); // 操作失敗文件刪除 Go_back2(); } else { strcpy(Name,p->data.IDcard ) ; strcpy(n,strcat(Name, ".txt")); // zhs.txt strcpy(m,Path2); // D://dos//SportSystem// strcat(m,n); // D://dos//SportSystem//zhs.txt } fin = fopen(m,"a+"); if( !fin) { cout<<"Creat_fin ERROR "<<endl; exit(0) ; } fprintf(fin,"%s %s %d %c %s %s %d %d %d %d %d %d \n",p->data.IDcard ,p->data.name,p->data.age,p->data.gender ,p->data.Institute, p->data.Class ,p->data.Join_time.year ,p->data.Join_time.month , p->data.Join_time.day ,p->data.Join_time.hours ,p->data.Join_time.minutes, p->data.Join_time.second); memset(m,'\0',sizeof(m)); memset(n,'\0',sizeof(n)); memset(Name,'\0',sizeof(Name)); memset(cpy_Path,'\0',sizeof(cpy_Path)) ; memset(T,'\0',sizeof(T)); p = p->next ; } fclose(fin); return ; } int ScanRepetition(char *file_name) { // 掃描 ; /* int access(const char *filename, int amode); amode參數(shù)為0時表示檢查文件的存在性,如果文件存在,返回0,不存在,返回-1。 */ return access(file_name,0); }
#ifndef LIST_H #define LIST_H #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <direct.h> #include <time.h> #define OK 1 #define ERROR 0 #define UNFOUND -1 #define Path2 "D:\\dos\\SportSystem\\" using namespace std ; const int MAX = 200 ; typedef int Status ; typedef int ElemType ; typedef struct AD_number{ char num[MAX]; char password[MAX]; }AD; typedef struct Person{ char num[MAX] ; char name[MAX] ; }Per; typedef struct Data_location{ int year ; int month ; int day ; int hours ; int minutes ; int second ; }Data; typedef struct Athlete_Message{ char IDcard[MAX] ; char name[MAX] ; // 姓名 char gender ; // 性別 int age ; char Institute[MAX] ; // 學院 char Class[MAX] ;// 班級; Data Join_time; // char sport_it1[MAX] ; // 項目一 char sport_it2[MAX] ; // 項目二 }Message; typedef struct node{ Message data ; struct node *next ; }LNode, *LinkList; class List { public: Status CreatList(LinkList &L,int n) ; Status GetElem(LinkList &L,int i ,Message &e) ; Status printList(LinkList &L ) ; private : Message e ; }; int ScanRepetition(char * ); void FILE_Memory(LinkList &L); void Srearch_city_fiction(FILE *fp); void Gettime_f(int &year ,int &month ,int &day ,int &hours ,int &minutes ,int &second ); #endif // LIST_H
#include "Campus.h" #include "List.h" #include <windows.h> #define Path3 "D:\\dos\\Administrator\\" void ShowPage() { cout<<endl<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t ***********************************"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t *\t校 園 運 動 會 報 名 系 統(tǒng) *"<<endl ; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t *\t"<<" ☆"<<" 1 報名系統(tǒng)進入 ☆ *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t *\t"<<" ☆"<<" 2 報名信息查詢 ☆ *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t *\t"<<" ☆"<<" 3 運動員信息 ☆ *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t *\t"<<" ☆"<<" 4 退出系統(tǒng) ☆ *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t *\t"<<" ☆"<<" 0 管理員系統(tǒng) ☆ *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t ***********************************"<<endl; MenuChoose(); return ; } void MenuChoose() { int num ; cout<<endl; cout<<"========================================================================"<<endl; cout<<"功能選擇"<<endl; if(scanf("%d",&num)) // 正常輸入 { switch (num) { case 1: { system("cls");// 清屏轉換下一級功能; Show_Apply_System(); } break ; case 2: { Apply_Information_Query(); } break ; case 3: { Athlete_Information(); } break ; case 0: { Administrator_System(); } break ; case 4: { exit(0); } default : { cout<<"ERORR"<<endl; exit(ERROR); } } } return ; } void Apply_System() { /*報名系統(tǒng) */ FILE *fp ; List a ; // 對象 LinkList L ; // int i ,n ; char ch2,ch3 ; char ch4 ; cout<<"個數(shù)"<<endl; cin >> n ; a.CreatList(L,n); cout<<" 身份信息確認 "<<"[y/n]"<<" "; cin >>ch2 ; if(ch2=='y') { cout<<" 確認成功 "<<endl; Sleep(1); } cout<<" 身份信息查看 "<<"[y/n]"<<" "; cin >>ch3 ; if(ch3=='y') { a.printList(L); Sleep(500); } Go_back1(); return ; } void Show_Apply_System() { int index ; cout<<endl<<endl<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t ***********************************"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t *\t 報 名 系 統(tǒng) *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t *\t"<<" ◎"<<" 1 學生信息錄入 ◎ *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t *\t"<<" ◎"<<" 2 運動項目報名 ◎ *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t *\t"<<" ◎"<<" 3 返回上一頁 ◎ *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t ***********************************"<<endl; cout<<"請選擇"<<endl; cin >>index ; if(index == 1) { Apply_System();// 錄用信息 } else if(index ==2 ) { LinkList L ; cout<<"運動項目報名"<<endl; Sport_item_sign(); } else if( index == 3) { system("cls"); ShowPage(); } else { Go_back2(); } return ; } void Sport_item_sign() { // 首先 參看運動會參賽注意事項; char ch ; char ih ; int it1,it2 ; char Id[MAX] ; char Cpy_path2[MAX] ; Message M ,Stu; Data d ; FILE *fp = fopen("Data.txt","r"); cout<<"注意報名截止時間 : "; if(!fp) { exit(0); } fscanf(fp ,"%d%d%d%d%d%d",&d.year,&d.month,&d.day,&d.hours ,&d.minutes ,&d.second); printf("[ %d -%d -%d %d:%d: %d ]\n",d.year,d.month,d.day,d.hours ,d.minutes ,d.second); cout<<endl; if(Judge_IF_Past_due() == true ) { // 時間過期; cout<<" 報名時間已經(jīng)截止 "; Go_back2(); } else { cout<<"輸入你的學生證號 : "; cin >>Id ; strcpy(Cpy_path2,Path2) ; strcat(Cpy_path2,Id); strcat(Cpy_path2,".txt"); if(ScanRepetition(Cpy_path2) == -1) { cout<<"沒有該學生信息"<<endl; Go_back1(); } if(ScanRepetition(Cpy_path2)==0 && Judge_IF_sign(Cpy_path2)) { cout<<"該生已經(jīng)報名,請勿重復報名"<<endl; Go_back2(); } FILE *fIDCARD = fopen(Cpy_path2 ,"a+"); // 添加運動項目 if(!fIDCARD) { cout<<"open the file "<<endl; exit(0) ; } /*識別性別*/ rewind(fIDCARD); fscanf(fIDCARD,"%s %s %d %c %s %s %d %d %d %d %d %d ",Stu.IDcard ,Stu.name ,&Stu.age ,&Stu.gender ,Stu.Institute ,Stu.Class, &Stu.Join_time.year ,&Stu.Join_time.month ,&Stu.Join_time.day ,&Stu.Join_time.hours ,&Stu.Join_time.minutes,&Stu.Join_time.second ); system("cls"); FILE *SPORT_IN_FILE = fopen("SPORT.txt","r"); if(!SPORT_IN_FILE) { cout<<"SPORT_IN_FILE open ERROR"<<endl; exit(0); } ch = fgetc(SPORT_IN_FILE); while(!feof(SPORT_IN_FILE)) { putchar(ch); ch = fgetc(SPORT_IN_FILE); Sleep(5); } fclose(SPORT_IN_FILE); system("pause"); system("cls"); cout<<endl <<endl ; if (Stu.gender == 'm')// 如果是男的 { Per p[MAX] ; // num ; // name ; char t1[MAX] ,t2[MAX] ; FILE *sport = fopen("sportitemM.txt","r"); if(!sport) { cout<<"sportitemM open ERROR"<<endl; exit(0); } ih = fgetc(sport); while(!feof(sport)) { putchar(ih); ih = fgetc(sport); Sleep(10); } fclose(sport); FILE *fin = fopen("M.txt","r"); cout<<endl; cout<<"選擇參加項目"<<endl; cout<<"每名運動員可任意選擇兩種項目 (選一種的選擇000)"<<endl; //cin >> M.sport_it1 >> M.sport_it2 ; cin >> t1 >> t2 ; int i = 0 ; int flag1 , flag2 ; while(!feof(fin)) { fscanf(fin , "%s %s",p[i].num ,p[i].name); i++ ; } int j = 0 ; while(j<=i) { if (strcmp(t1 , p[j].num)==0) { flag1 = j ; } if (strcmp(t2 , p[j].num)==0) { flag2 = j ; } j++ ; } strcpy(M.sport_it1 , p[flag1].name); strcpy(M.sport_it2 , p[flag2].name); fprintf(fIDCARD,"%s %s",M.sport_it1 ,M.sport_it2); rewind(fIDCARD); fscanf(fIDCARD,"%s %s %d %c %s %s %d %d %d %d %d %d %s %s",M.IDcard ,M.name ,&M.age ,&M.gender ,M.Institute ,M.Class, &M.Join_time.year ,&M.Join_time.month ,&M.Join_time.day ,&M.Join_time.hours ,&M.Join_time.minutes,&M.Join_time.second, M.sport_it1,M.sport_it2); cout<<"選擇成功"<<endl; printList_new(M); fclose(fIDCARD); Sleep(500); Go_back1(); } else if (Stu.gender == 'f') { Per p[MAX] ; char t1[MAX] ,t2[MAX] ; FILE *sport = fopen("sportitemF.txt","r"); if(!sport) { cout<<"sportitemM open ERROR"<<endl; exit(0); } ih = fgetc(sport); while(!feof(sport)) { putchar(ih); ih = fgetc(sport); Sleep(10); } fclose(sport); FILE *fin = fopen("F.txt","r"); cout<<endl; cout<<"選擇參加項目"<<endl; cout<<"每名運動員可任意選擇兩種項目 (選一種的選擇000)"<<endl; cin >> t1 >> t2 ; int i = 0 ; int flag1 , flag2 ; while(!feof(fin)) { fscanf(fin , "%s %s",p[i].num ,p[i].name); if (strcmp(t1 , p[i].num)==0) { flag1 = i ; } if (strcmp(t2 , p[i].num)==0) { flag2 = i ; } i++ ; } strcpy(M.sport_it1 , p[flag1].name); strcpy(M.sport_it2 , p[flag2].name); fprintf(fIDCARD,"%s %s",M.sport_it1 ,M.sport_it2); rewind(fIDCARD); fscanf(fIDCARD,"%s %s %d %c %s %s %d %d %d %d %d %d %s %s",M.IDcard ,M.name ,&M.age ,&M.gender ,M.Institute ,M.Class, &M.Join_time.year ,&M.Join_time.month ,&M.Join_time.day ,&M.Join_time.hours ,&M.Join_time.minutes,&M.Join_time.second, M.sport_it1,M.sport_it2); cout<<"選擇成功"<<endl; printList_new(M); fclose(fIDCARD); Sleep(500); Go_back1(); } } } void Apply_Information_Query() { // 報名信息查詢 ; int i ; char id_register[MAX] ; char Temp[MAX]; system("cls"); cout <<"請輸入學號 :"<<" " ; cin>>id_register ; strcpy(Temp,Path2); strcat(id_register,".txt"); strcat(Temp,id_register); if(ScanRepetition(Temp)== -1 ) { cout<<"沒有該生的相關信息!"<<endl; Go_back1(); } if(Judge_IF_sign(Temp)== false) { cout<<"狀態(tài) : 未報名"<<endl; } else cout<<"狀態(tài) : 已報名"<<endl; Go_back1(); return ; } void Athlete_Information() { int i ; char id_register[MAX] ; char Temp[MAX]; system("cls"); cout <<"請輸入學號 :"<<" " ; cin>>id_register ; strcpy(Temp,Path2); strcat(id_register,".txt"); strcat(Temp,id_register); if(ScanRepetition(Temp)== -1) { cout<<"沒有該生的相關信息!"<<endl; Go_back1(); } if(Judge_IF_sign(Temp)) { Point_Base_Me(Temp); Go_back1(); } else { cout<<"還沒報名哦 ,請現(xiàn)在報名才能查看哦 !"<<endl; Go_back1(); } return ; } bool Judge_IF_sign(char *Path) { // 判斷學生是否已報名項目; bool flag = false ; char Temp[MAX] ; int count = 0; FILE *fp = fopen(Path ,"r") ; if(!fp) { cout<<"該生沒有錄入信息"<<endl; exit(0) ; } while(!feof(fp)) { count +=fscanf(fp,"%s",Temp); } if (count == 14)// 如果已經(jīng)報名; flag = true ; return flag ; } void Go_back1() { char ch ; cout<<" 返回主頁面 "<<" [y/n] "; cin >>ch ; if(ch=='y') { system("cls"); ShowPage(); } else { cout<<"服務器錯誤00044xx"<<endl; exit(0); } return ; } void Go_back2() { char ch ; cout<<" 返回上一級 "<<" [y/n] "; cin >>ch ; if(ch=='y') { system("cls"); Show_Apply_System(); } else { cout<<"服務器錯誤00044xx"<<endl; exit(0); } return ; } void Go_back3() { // 返回管理系統(tǒng)上一級; char ch ; cout<<" 返回上一級 "<<" [y/n] "; cin >>ch ; if(ch=='y') { system("cls"); show_in_AdSYstem(); } else { cout<<"服務器錯誤00044xx"<<endl; exit(0); } return ; } void Go_back4() { char ch ; cout<<" 返回上一級 "<<" [y/n] "; cin >>ch ; if(ch=='y') { system("cls"); Manage_system(); } else { cout<<"服務器錯誤00044xx"<<endl; exit(0); } return ; } void printList_new(Message &M) { cout<<"姓名 : " <<M.name <<endl; cout<<"學號 : " <<M.IDcard <<endl; cout<<"性別 : "<<M.gender<<endl; cout<<"年齡 : "<<M.age<<endl; cout<<"學院 : "<<M.Institute<<endl; cout<<"班級 : "<<M.Class<<endl; cout<<"報名項目 : "<<M.sport_it1 <<" "<<M.sport_it2 <<endl; cout<<"報名時間 : "<<M.Join_time.year<<"-"<<M.Join_time.month<<"-"<< M.Join_time.day <<" "<<M.Join_time.hours<<":"<<M.Join_time.minutes<<":"<<M.Join_time.second<<endl; return ; } void Point_Base_Me(char *Temp) { FILE *fp = fopen(Temp,"r"); Message M ; fscanf(fp,"%s %s %d %c %s %s %d %d %d %d %d %d %s %s",M.IDcard ,M.name ,&M.age ,&M.gender ,M.Institute ,M.Class, &M.Join_time.year ,&M.Join_time.month ,&M.Join_time.day ,&M.Join_time.hours ,&M.Join_time.minutes,&M.Join_time.second, M.sport_it1,M.sport_it2); printList_new(M); Go_back1(); return ; } void Administrator_System() { // 管理員 ; // 加一個 管理員登錄 ; Enter_Adsystem(); } void show_in_AdSYstem() { /* cout<<"您已進入管理員系統(tǒng)"<< endl; cout<<"請輸入管理員賬號和密碼"<<endl;*/ system("cls"); cout<<endl<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t ***********************************"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t *\t 管 理 員 系 統(tǒng) *"<<endl ; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t *\t"<<" ☆"<<" 1 賬號注冊 ☆ *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t *\t"<<" ☆"<<" 2 管理系統(tǒng) ☆ *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t *\t"<<" ☆"<<" 3 返回上一頁 ☆ *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t ***********************************"<<endl; AD_Menu(); return ; } void AD_Menu() { int num ; cout<<endl; cout<<"========================================================================"<<endl; cout<<"功能選擇"<<endl; if(scanf("%d",&num)) // 正常輸入 { switch (num) { case 1: { Log_Administrator(); } break ; case 2: { Manage_system(); } break ; case 3: { system("cls"); ShowPage(); } break ; default : { cout<<"ERORR"<<endl; exit(ERROR); } } } return ; } void Log_Administrator() { // 賬號注冊 ; FILE *fp ; AD admin ; char Pass_word[MAX] ; char Temp[MAX] ; strcpy(Temp,Path3); cout<<"輸入姓名"<<" : "; cin>>admin.num ; strcat(Temp,admin.num); strcat(Temp,".txt"); cout<<endl; cout<<"輸入密碼"<<" : "; cin>>admin.password ; cout<<endl; OP: cout<<"重復密碼"<<" : "; cin>>Pass_word ; if(strcmp(admin.password,Pass_word) == 0 ) {// 密碼正確 并且文件不存在 if(ScanRepetition(Temp)==0) { cout<<"賬戶存在"<<endl; exit(ERROR); } cout<<"注 冊 成 功"<<endl; fp = fopen(Temp,"w"); if(!fp) { cout<<"open Temp failed "<<endl; exit(ERROR) ; } fprintf(fp,"%s",admin.password); fclose(fp); Go_back3(); } else { cout<<"密碼不一致"<<endl; goto OP ; } return ; } void Manage_system() { system("cls"); cout<<endl<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t ***********************************"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t *\t 管 理 系 統(tǒng) *"<<endl ; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t *\t"<<" ☆"<<" 1 運動員報名取消 *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t *\t"<<" ☆"<<" 2 修改截止日期 *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t *\t"<<" ☆"<<" 3 返回上一頁 *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t * *"<<endl; cout<<"\t\t\t ***********************************"<<endl; AD_Menu2(); return ; } void AD_Menu2() { int num ; cout<<endl; cout<<"========================================================================"<<endl; cout<<"功能選擇"<<endl; if(scanf("%d",&num)) // 正常輸入 { switch (num) { case 1: { // 運動員報名取消 刪除文件 Cancel_signup(); } break ; case 2: { // 修改截止日期; Revise_Data(); Go_back3(); } break ; case 3: { show_in_AdSYstem(); } default : { cout<<"ERORR"<<endl; exit(ERROR); } } } return ; } void Cancel_signup() { // 報名取消; // 殺出文件 char id[MAX] ; // char Temp[MAX] ; cout<<" 輸入報名取消的運動員學號"<<" :"; cin >> id ; strcpy(Temp,Path2); strcat(Temp,id); strcat(Temp,".txt"); if(ScanRepetition(Temp) == -1) { cout<<"沒有該運動員的信息,報名取消錯誤"<<endl; exit(0); } else { remove(Temp); cout<<"刪除成功"<<endl; } Go_back3(); return ; } void Revise_Data() { // 修改日期 ; FILE *fp = fopen("Data.txt","w"); Data D ; cout<< "輸入年份"<<" : "; cin >> D.year ; cout<<endl; cout<< "輸入月份"<<" : "; cin >> D.month ; cout<<endl; cout<< "輸入天數(shù)"<<" : "; cin >> D.day ; cout<<endl; cout<< "輸入小時"<<" : "; cin >> D.hours ; cout<<endl; cout<< "輸入分鐘"<<" : "; cin >> D.minutes ; cout<<endl; cout<< "輸入秒數(shù)"<<" : "; cin >> D.second ; cout<<endl; fprintf(fp,"%d %d %d %d %d %d",D.year,D.month,D.day ,D.hours ,D.minutes ,D.second); cout<<"修改成功"<<endl; fclose(fp); return ; } void Enter_Adsystem() { char name[MAX] ; char Temp[MAX] ; char Password[MAX] ; char PW[MAX] ; FILE *fp ; cout <<" 請輸入管理員賬號名 : "; cin >> name ; cout<<endl; strcpy(Temp , Path3) ; strcat(Temp , name) ; strcat(Temp , ".txt"); if(ScanRepetition(Temp) == -1) { // 不存在 cout<<" 管理員賬號不存在 "<<endl ; exit(0) ; } fp = fopen(Temp , "r") ; if(!fp) { cout<<" open the file failed "<<endl; exit(0) ; } fscanf(fp , "%s",Password); fclose(fp) ; cout <<" 你輸入密碼驗證 "<<" : "; cin >> PW ; if ( strcmp(PW,Password)==0) { int i ; cout<<"驗證成功"<<endl ; for(i = 1 ; i<= 4 ; i++) { cout <<i; Sleep(500) ; system("cls"); } show_in_AdSYstem(); } else { cout <<"驗證失敗"<<endl; Go_back1(); } return ; } bool Judge_IF_Past_due() { Message M ; Data D ; // 截止時間 Data SD ; // 當前時間 ; // bool C = true ; // 初始值時過期了 FILE *Dp = fopen("Data.txt","r"); if(!Dp) { exit(0); } fscanf(Dp,"%d%d%d%d%d%d",&D.year,&D.month,&D.day ,&D.hours ,&D.minutes ,&D.second); //printf("截止時間 :%d -%d- %d %d :%d :%d \n",D.year,D.month,D.day ,D.hours ,D.minutes ,D.second); Gettime_f(SD.year ,SD.month ,SD.day ,SD.hours ,SD.minutes ,SD.second); //獲取當前時間 printf("當前時間 : [ %d -%d- %d %d :%d :%d ]\n",SD.year ,SD.month ,SD.day ,SD.hours ,SD.minutes ,SD.second); if( SD.year < D.year ) { // 截止時間 :2019 -5- 47 8 :63 :12 // 當前時間 :2018 -7- 11 15 :46 :24 return false ; // 還沒截止 } else if (SD.year == D.year && SD.month != D.month) { if(SD.month < D.month) { return false ; } else if ( SD.month > D.month) { return true ; } } else if (SD.year == D.year && SD.month == D.month && SD.day != D.day) { if (SD.day <D.day ) { // 如果當前天數(shù) 小于 截止天數(shù) return false ; } else if ( SD.day > D.day) { return true ; } } else if ( SD.year == D.year && SD.month == D.month && SD.day == D.day && SD.hours !=D.hours) { if (SD.hours <D.hours ) { return false ; } else if ( SD.hours > D.hours) { return true ; } } }