<!--分頁組件 JS CSS 開始--> <!--分頁組件 CSS--> <link type="text/css" href="/resource/css/kkpager_blue.css" rel="external nofollow" rel="stylesheet" /> <!--分頁組件 JS--> <script type="text/javascript" src="/resource/js/kkpager.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/resource/js/kkpager.js"></script> <!--分頁組件 JS CSS 結(jié)束-->
<script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { //----分頁部分 代碼片段一 開始---- var totalPage = 20;//總共多少頁 var totalRecords = 200;//總共多少條 var pagehref = window.location.href; var pageNo = GetQueryString('pno'); if (!pageNo) { pageNo = 1; } //----分頁部分 代碼片段一 結(jié)束---- //----頁面數(shù)據(jù)加載 并綁定生成分頁 開始---- function LoadingGoods() { jQuery.ajax({ url: 'baidu.com', type: "POST", dataType: "json", data: { '參數(shù)1': 1, '參數(shù)2': 2,'Page': pageNo, 'Limit': 20 }, success: function (result) { if (result.success) { var count = result.result; var data = result.data; totalRecords = count; totalPage = Math.ceil(count / 20); if (count > 0) { $(".commodity_volume").html(""); var str = ""; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { str += "<div class='commodity'></div>"; } $(".commodity_volume").html(str); } else { $(".commodity_volume").html(""); var str = ""; str = "<div><center>沒有查到您想要的數(shù)據(jù)。</center></div>" $(".commodity_volume").html(str); } //----分頁部分 代碼片段二 開始---- kkpager.total = totalPage; kkpager.totalRecords = totalRecords; kkpager.generPageHtml({ pno: pageNo, //總頁碼 total: totalPage, //總數(shù)據(jù)條數(shù) totalRecords: totalRecords, //mode: 'click', //鏈接前部 hrefFormer: pagehref, //鏈接尾部 hrefLatter: '',//hrefLatter: '.html' getLink: function (n) { var hrefFormer = this.hrefFormer; var url = this.hrefFormer + "&pno=" + n; if (hrefFormer.indexOf("pno") > 0) { var pno = GetQueryString("pno"); return this.hrefFormer.replace('pno=' + pno, 'pno=' + n); } else { return url; } } }); //----分頁部分 代碼片段二 結(jié)束---- //----顯示遮罩 開始---- $('#AjaxLoading').hide() $(".showbox").stop(true).animate({ 'margin-top': '250px', 'opacity': '0' }, 400); $(".overlay").css({ 'display': 'none', 'opacity': '0' }); //----顯示遮罩 結(jié)束---- } }, error: function () { alert("請刷新后重試!") } }); } LoadingGoods();//加載商品列表 //----頁面數(shù)據(jù)加載 并綁定生成分頁 結(jié)束---- } </script>
<div id="kkpager"></div>
/* kkpager V1.3 https://github.com/pgkk/kkpager Copyright (c) 2013 cqzhangkang@163.com Licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE */ var kkpager = { pagerid : 'kkpager', //divID mode : 'link', //模式(link 或者 click) pno : 1, //當(dāng)前頁碼 total : 1, //總頁碼 totalRecords : 0, //總數(shù)據(jù)條數(shù) isShowFirstPageBtn : true, //是否顯示首頁按鈕 isShowLastPageBtn : true, //是否顯示尾頁按鈕 isShowPrePageBtn : true, //是否顯示上一頁按鈕 isShowNextPageBtn : true, //是否顯示下一頁按鈕 isShowTotalPage : true, //是否顯示總頁數(shù) isShowCurrPage : true,//是否顯示當(dāng)前頁 isShowTotalRecords : false, //是否顯示總記錄數(shù) isGoPage : true, //是否顯示頁碼跳轉(zhuǎn)輸入框 isWrapedPageBtns : true, //是否用span包裹住頁碼按鈕 isWrapedInfoTextAndGoPageBtn : true, //是否用span包裹住分頁信息和跳轉(zhuǎn)按鈕 hrefFormer : '', //鏈接前部 hrefLatter : '', //鏈接尾部 gopageWrapId : 'kkpager_gopage_wrap', gopageButtonId : 'kkpager_btn_go', gopageTextboxId : 'kkpager_btn_go_input', lang : { firstPageText : '首頁', firstPageTipText : '首頁', lastPageText : '尾頁', lastPageTipText : '尾頁', prePageText : '上一頁', prePageTipText : '上一頁', nextPageText : '下一頁', nextPageTipText : '下一頁', totalPageBeforeText : '共', totalPageAfterText : '頁', currPageBeforeText : '當(dāng)前第', currPageAfterText : '頁', totalInfoSplitStr : '/', totalRecordsBeforeText : '共', totalRecordsAfterText : '條數(shù)據(jù)', gopageBeforeText : ' 轉(zhuǎn)到', gopageButtonOkText : '確定', gopageAfterText : '頁', buttonTipBeforeText : '第', buttonTipAfterText : '頁' }, //鏈接算法(當(dāng)處于link模式),參數(shù)n為頁碼 getLink : function(n){ //這里的算法適用于比如: //hrefFormer=http://www.xx.com/news/20131212 //hrefLatter=.html //那么首頁(第1頁)就是http://www.xx.com/news/20131212.html //第2頁就是http://www.xx.com/news/20131212_2.html //第n頁就是http://www.xx.com/news/20131212_n.html if(n == 1){ return this.hrefFormer + this.hrefLatter; } return this.hrefFormer + '_' + n + this.hrefLatter; }, //頁碼單擊事件處理函數(shù)(當(dāng)處于mode模式),參數(shù)n為頁碼 click : function(n){ //這里自己實現(xiàn) //這里可以用this或者kkpager訪問kkpager對象 return false; }, //獲取href的值(當(dāng)處于mode模式),參數(shù)n為頁碼 getHref : function(n){ //默認(rèn)返回'#' return '#'; }, //跳轉(zhuǎn)框得到輸入焦點時 focus_gopage : function (){ var btnGo = $('#'+this.gopageButtonId); $('#'+this.gopageTextboxId).attr('hideFocus',true); btnGo.show(); btnGo.css('left','10px'); $('#'+this.gopageTextboxId).addClass('focus'); btnGo.animate({left: '+=30'}, 50); }, //跳轉(zhuǎn)框失去輸入焦點時 blur_gopage : function(){ var _this = this; setTimeout(function(){ var btnGo = $('#'+_this.gopageButtonId); btnGo.animate({ left: '-=25' }, 100, function(){ btnGo.hide(); $('#'+_this.gopageTextboxId).removeClass('focus'); }); },400); }, //跳轉(zhuǎn)輸入框按鍵操作 keypress_gopage : function(){ var event = arguments[0] || window.event; var code = event.keyCode || event.charCode; //delete key if(code == 8) return true; //enter key if(code == 13){ kkpager.gopage(); return false; } //copy and paste if(event.ctrlKey && (code == 99 || code == 118)) return true; //only number key if(code<48 || code>57)return false; return true; }, //跳轉(zhuǎn)框頁面跳轉(zhuǎn) gopage : function(){ var str_page = $('#'+this.gopageTextboxId).val(); if(isNaN(str_page)){ $('#'+this.gopageTextboxId).val(this.next); return; } var n = parseInt(str_page); if(n < 1) n = 1; if(n > this.total) n = this.total; if(this.mode == 'click'){ this._clickHandler(n); }else{ window.location = this.getLink(n); } }, //不刷新頁面直接手動調(diào)用選中某一頁碼 selectPage : function(n){ this._config['pno'] = n; this.generPageHtml(this._config,true); }, //生成控件代碼 generPageHtml : function(config,enforceInit){ if (enforceInit || !this.inited) { config.total = kkpager.total; config.totalRecords = kkpager.totalRecords; this.init(config); } var str_first='',str_prv='',str_next='',str_last=''; if(this.isShowFirstPageBtn){ if(this.hasPrv){ str_first = '<a '+this._getHandlerStr(1)+' title="' +(this.lang.firstPageTipText || this.lang.firstPageText)+'">'+this.lang.firstPageText+'</a>'; }else{ str_first = '<span class="disabled">'+this.lang.firstPageText+'</span>'; } } if(this.isShowPrePageBtn){ if(this.hasPrv){ str_prv = '<a '+this._getHandlerStr(this.prv)+' title="' +(this.lang.prePageTipText || this.lang.prePageText)+'">'+this.lang.prePageText+'</a>'; }else{ str_prv = '<span class="disabled">'+this.lang.prePageText+'</span>'; } } if(this.isShowNextPageBtn){ if(this.hasNext){ str_next = '<a '+this._getHandlerStr(this.next)+' title="' +(this.lang.nextPageTipText || this.lang.nextPageText)+'">'+this.lang.nextPageText+'</a>'; }else{ str_next = '<span class="disabled">'+this.lang.nextPageText+'</span>'; } } if(this.isShowLastPageBtn){ if(this.hasNext){ str_last = '<a '+this._getHandlerStr(this.total)+' title="' +(this.lang.lastPageTipText || this.lang.lastPageText)+'">'+this.lang.lastPageText+'</a>'; }else{ str_last = '<span class="disabled">'+this.lang.lastPageText+'</span>'; } } var str = ''; var dot = '<span class="spanDot">...</span>'; var total_info='<span class="totalText">'; var total_info_splitstr = '<span class="totalInfoSplitStr">'+this.lang.totalInfoSplitStr+'</span>'; if(this.isShowCurrPage){ total_info += this.lang.currPageBeforeText + '<span class="currPageNum">' + this.pno + '</span>' + this.lang.currPageAfterText; if(this.isShowTotalPage){ total_info += total_info_splitstr; total_info += this.lang.totalPageBeforeText + '<span class="totalPageNum">'+this.total + '</span>' + this.lang.totalPageAfterText; }else if(this.isShowTotalRecords){ total_info += total_info_splitstr; total_info += this.lang.totalRecordsBeforeText + '<span class="totalRecordNum">'+this.totalRecords + '</span>' + this.lang.totalRecordsAfterText; } }else if(this.isShowTotalPage){ total_info += this.lang.totalPageBeforeText + '<span class="totalPageNum">'+this.total + '</span>' + this.lang.totalPageAfterText;; if(this.isShowTotalRecords){ total_info += total_info_splitstr; total_info += this.lang.totalRecordsBeforeText + '<span class="totalRecordNum">'+this.totalRecords + '</span>' + this.lang.totalRecordsAfterText; } }else if(this.isShowTotalRecords){ total_info += this.lang.totalRecordsBeforeText + '<span class="totalRecordNum">'+this.totalRecords + '</span>' + this.lang.totalRecordsAfterText; } total_info += '</span>'; var gopage_info = ''; if(this.isGoPage){ gopage_info = '<span class="goPageBox">'+this.lang.gopageBeforeText+'<span id="'+this.gopageWrapId+'">'+ '<input type="button" id="'+this.gopageButtonId+'" onclick="kkpager.gopage()" value="' +this.lang.gopageButtonOkText+'" />'+ '<input type="text" id="'+this.gopageTextboxId+'" onfocus="kkpager.focus_gopage()" onkeypress="return kkpager.keypress_gopage(event);" onblur="kkpager.blur_gopage()" value="'+this.next+'" /></span>'+this.lang.gopageAfterText+'</span>'; } //分頁處理 if(this.total <= 8){ for(var i=1;i<=this.total;i++){ if(this.pno == i){ str += '<span class="curr">'+i+'</span>'; }else{ str += '<a '+this._getHandlerStr(i)+' title="' +this.lang.buttonTipBeforeText + i + this.lang.buttonTipAfterText+'">'+i+'</a>'; } } }else{ if(this.pno <= 5){ for(var i=1;i<=7;i++){ if(this.pno == i){ str += '<span class="curr">'+i+'</span>'; }else{ str += '<a '+this._getHandlerStr(i)+' title="'+ this.lang.buttonTipBeforeText + i + this.lang.buttonTipAfterText+'">'+i+'</a>'; } } str += dot; }else{ str += '<a '+this._getHandlerStr(1)+' title="' +this.lang.buttonTipBeforeText + '1' + this.lang.buttonTipAfterText+'">1</a>'; str += '<a '+this._getHandlerStr(2)+' title="' +this.lang.buttonTipBeforeText + '2' + this.lang.buttonTipAfterText +'">2</a>'; str += dot; var begin = this.pno - 2; var end = this.pno + 2; if(end > this.total){ end = this.total; begin = end - 4; if(this.pno - begin < 2){ begin = begin-1; } }else if(end + 1 == this.total){ end = this.total; } for(var i=begin;i<=end;i++){ if(this.pno == i){ str += '<span class="curr">'+i+'</span>'; }else{ str += '<a '+this._getHandlerStr(i)+' title="' +this.lang.buttonTipBeforeText + i + this.lang.buttonTipAfterText+'">'+i+'</a>'; } } if(end != this.total){ str += dot; } } } var pagerHtml = '<div>'; if(this.isWrapedPageBtns){ pagerHtml += '<span class="pageBtnWrap">' + str_first + str_prv + str + str_next + str_last + '</span>' }else{ pagerHtml += str_first + str_prv + str + str_next + str_last; } if(this.isWrapedInfoTextAndGoPageBtn){ pagerHtml += '<span class="infoTextAndGoPageBtnWrap">' + total_info + gopage_info + '</span>'; }else{ pagerHtml += total_info + gopage_info; } pagerHtml += '</div><div ></div>'; $("#"+this.pagerid).html(pagerHtml); }, //分頁按鈕控件初始化 init : function(config){ this.pno = isNaN(config.pno) ? 1 : parseInt(config.pno); this.total = isNaN(config.total) ? 1 : parseInt(config.total); this.totalRecords = isNaN(config.totalRecords) ? 0 : parseInt(config.totalRecords); if(config.pagerid){this.pagerid = config.pagerid;} if(config.mode){this.mode = config.mode;} if(config.gopageWrapId){this.gopageWrapId = config.gopageWrapId;} if(config.gopageButtonId){this.gopageButtonId = config.gopageButtonId;} if(config.gopageTextboxId){this.gopageTextboxId = config.gopageTextboxId;} if(config.isShowFirstPageBtn != undefined){this.isShowFirstPageBtn=config.isShowFirstPageBtn;} if(config.isShowLastPageBtn != undefined){this.isShowLastPageBtn=config.isShowLastPageBtn;} if(config.isShowPrePageBtn != undefined){this.isShowPrePageBtn=config.isShowPrePageBtn;} if(config.isShowNextPageBtn != undefined){this.isShowNextPageBtn=config.isShowNextPageBtn;} if(config.isShowTotalPage != undefined){this.isShowTotalPage=config.isShowTotalPage;} if(config.isShowCurrPage != undefined){this.isShowCurrPage=config.isShowCurrPage;} if(config.isShowTotalRecords != undefined){this.isShowTotalRecords=config.isShowTotalRecords;} if(config.isWrapedPageBtns){this.isWrapedPageBtns=config.isWrapedPageBtns;} if(config.isWrapedInfoTextAndGoPageBtn){this.isWrapedInfoTextAndGoPageBtn=config.isWrapedInfoTextAndGoPageBtn;} if(config.isGoPage != undefined){this.isGoPage=config.isGoPage;} if(config.lang){ for(var key in config.lang){ this.lang[key] = config.lang[key]; } } this.hrefFormer = config.hrefFormer || ''; this.hrefLatter = config.hrefLatter || ''; if(config.getLink && typeof(config.getLink) == 'function'){this.getLink = config.getLink;} if(config.click && typeof(config.click) == 'function'){this.click = config.click;} if(config.getHref && typeof(config.getHref) == 'function'){this.getHref = config.getHref;} if(!this._config){ this._config = config; } //validate if(this.pno < 1) this.pno = 1; this.total = (this.total <= 1) ? 1: this.total; if(this.pno > this.total) this.pno = this.total; this.prv = (this.pno<=2) ? 1 : (this.pno-1); this.next = (this.pno >= this.total-1) ? this.total : (this.pno + 1); this.hasPrv = (this.pno > 1); this.hasNext = (this.pno < this.total); this.inited = true; }, _getHandlerStr : function(n){ if(this.mode == 'click'){ return 'href="'+this.getHref(n)+'" rel="external nofollow" onclick="return kkpager._clickHandler('+n+')"'; } //link模式,也是默認(rèn)的 return 'href="'+this.getLink(n)+'" rel="external nofollow" '; }, _clickHandler : function(n){ var res = false; if(this.click && typeof this.click == 'function'){ res = this.click.call(this,n) || false; } return res; } };
#kkpager{ clear:both; color:#999; padding:5px 0px 5px 0px; font-size:13px; } #kkpager a{ float: left; border: 1px solid #ccc; display: inline; padding: 3px 10px 3px 10px; margin-right: 5px; border-radius: 3px; -moz-border-radius: 3px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px; cursor: pointer; background: #fff; text-decoration:none; color:#999; } #kkpager span.disabled{ float: left; display: inline; padding: 3px 10px 3px 10px; margin-right: 5px; border-radius: 3px; -moz-border-radius: 3px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px; border:1px solid #DFDFDF; background-color:#FFF; color:#DFDFDF; } #kkpager span.curr{ float: left; border: 1px solid #31ACE2; display: inline; padding: 3px 10px 3px 10px; margin-right: 5px; border-radius: 3px; -moz-border-radius: 3px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px; background: #F0FDFF; color: #31ACE2; } #kkpager a:hover{ border:1px solid #31ACE2; background-color:#31ACE2; color:#fff; } #kkpager span.normalsize{ } #kkpager_gopage_wrap{ position:relative; left:0px; top:0px; } #kkpager_btn_go { width:44px; height:18px; border:0px; overflow:hidden; line-height:140%; padding:0px; margin:0px; text-align:center; cursor:pointer; background-color:#31ACE2; color:#FFF; position:absolute; left:0px; top:-2px; -moz-border-radius: 3px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px; display:none; } #kkpager_btn_go_input{ width:36px; height:14px; color:#999; text-align:center; margin-left:1px; margin-right:1px; border:1px solid #DFDFDF; position:relative; -moz-border-radius: 3px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px; left:0px; top:0px; outline:none; } #kkpager_btn_go_input.focus{ border-color:#31ACE2; } #kkpager .pageBtnWrap{ float:left; } #kkpager .infoTextAndGoPageBtnWrap{ float:right; } #kkpager .spanDot{ float:left; margin-right:5px; } #kkpager .currPageNum{ color:#FD7F4D; } #kkpager .infoTextAndGoPageBtnWrap{ padding-top:5px; }
以上所述是小編給大家介紹的jQuery Ajax 實現(xiàn)分頁 kkpager插件,希望對大家有所幫助,如果大家有任何疑問請給我留言,小編會及時回復(fù)大家的。在此也非常感謝大家對億速云網(wǎng)站的支持!