<!--pages/shouxieban/shouxieban.wxml--> <view class="container"> <view>手寫板(請在下方區(qū)域手寫內(nèi)容)</view> <canvas class="canvas" id="canvas" canvas-id="canvas" disable-scroll="true" bindtouchstart="canvasStart" bindtouchmove="canvasMove" bindtouchend="canvasEnd" touchcancel="canvasEnd" binderror="canvasIdErrorCallback"></canvas> <view class='btns canvaspd'> <button bindtap="cleardraw">清除畫板</button> <button bindtap="setSign">確定</button> </view> <image src='{{canvasimgsrc}}'></image> </view>
var context = null;// 使用 wx.createContext 獲取繪圖上下文 context var isButtonDown = false;//是否在繪制中 var arrx = [];//動作橫坐標 var arry = [];//動作縱坐標 var arrz = [];//總做狀態(tài),標識按下到抬起的一個組合 var canvasw = 0;//畫布寬度 var canvash = 0;//畫布高度 // pages/shouxieban/shouxieban.js Page({ /** * 頁面的初始數(shù)據(jù) */ data: { //canvas寬高 canvasw: 0, canvash: 0, //canvas生成的圖片路徑 canvasimgsrc: "" }, //畫布初始化執(zhí)行 startCanvas: function () { var that = this; //創(chuàng)建canvas this.initCanvas(); //獲取系統(tǒng)信息 wx.getSystemInfo({ success: function (res) { canvasw = res.windowWidth - 0;//設(shè)備寬度 canvash = canvasw; that.setData({ 'canvasw': canvasw }); that.setData({ 'canvash': canvash }); } }); }, //初始化函數(shù) initCanvas: function () { // 使用 wx.createContext 獲取繪圖上下文 context context = wx.createCanvasContext('canvas'); context.beginPath() context.setStrokeStyle('#000000'); context.setLineWidth(4); context.setLineCap('round'); context.setLineJoin('round'); }, //事件監(jiān)聽 canvasIdErrorCallback: function (e) { console.error(e.detail.errMsg) }, canvasStart: function (event) { isButtonDown = true; arrz.push(0); arrx.push(event.changedTouches[0].x); arry.push(event.changedTouches[0].y); }, canvasMove: function (event) { if (isButtonDown) { arrz.push(1); arrx.push(event.changedTouches[0].x); arry.push(event.changedTouches[0].y); }; for (var i = 0; i < arrx.length; i++) { if (arrz[i] == 0) { context.moveTo(arrx[i], arry[i]) } else { context.lineTo(arrx[i], arry[i]) }; }; context.clearRect(0, 0, canvasw, canvash); context.setStrokeStyle('#000000'); context.setLineWidth(4); context.setLineCap('round'); context.setLineJoin('round'); context.stroke(); context.draw(false); }, canvasEnd: function (event) { isButtonDown = false; }, //清除畫布 cleardraw: function () { //清除畫布 arrx = []; arry = []; arrz = []; context.clearRect(0, 0, canvasw, canvash); context.draw(true); }, //提交簽名內(nèi)容 setSign: function () { var that = this; if (arrx.length == 0) { wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '簽名內(nèi)容不能為空!', showCancel: false }); return false; }; console.log("不是空的,canvas即將生成圖片") //生成圖片 wx.canvasToTempFilePath({ canvasId: 'canvas', success: function (res) { console.log("canvas可以生成圖片") console.log(res.tempFilePath, 'canvas圖片地址'); that.setData({ canvasimgsrc: res.tempFilePath }) //code 比如上傳操作 }, fail: function () { console.log("canvas不可以生成圖片") wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '微信當前版本不支持,請更新到最新版本!', showCancel: false }); }, complete: function () { } }) }, /** * 生命周期函數(shù)--監(jiān)聽頁面加載 */ onLoad: function (options) { //畫布初始化執(zhí)行 this.startCanvas(); } })
/* pages/shouxieban/shouxieban.wxss */ /*手寫板 */ page{ background: #f6f6f6; padding: 5px auto } canvas{ border: 1px solid #d0d0d0; margin: 5rpx; background: #f2f2f2 }