本文實(shí)例為大家分享了vue element-ui 讀取pdf文件,供大家參考,具體內(nèi)容如下
npm install pdfjs-dist --save
<template> <div class="app-container"> <el-dialog v-loading="loading" :visible.sync="dialogSeeVisible" :title="dialogTitle" :close-on-click-modal="closeModel" modal width="80%" @close="closeDialog" @open="onOpen" > <el-card class="cpdf"> <div class="center"> <div class="contor"> <el-button @click="prev">上一頁</el-button> <el-button @click="next">下一頁</el-button> <span>Page: <span v-text="page_num"/> / <span v-text="page_count"/></span> <el-button icon="el-icon-plus" @click="addscale"/> <el-button icon="el-icon-minus" @click="minus"/> <el-button id="prev" @click="closeDialog">關(guān)閉</el-button> </div> <canvas id="the-canvas" class="canvasstyle"/> </div> </el-card> </el-dialog> </div> </template> <script> import PDFJS from 'pdfjs-dist' PDFJS.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = './../../../node_modules/pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker.js' import request from '@/utils/request' import { Message } from 'element-ui' export default { name: 'pdf', props: { dialogSeeVisible: { type: Boolean, default: false }, seeFileId: { type: Number, default: null } }, data() { return { closeModel: false, clearable: false, urlPrefix: process.env.BASE_API, dialogTitle: '瀏覽技術(shù)文檔', pdfurl: '', loading: false, pdfDoc: null, // pdfjs 生成的對象 pageNum: 1, // pageRendering: false, pageNumPending: null, scale: 1.2, // 放大倍數(shù) page_num: 0, // 當(dāng)前頁數(shù) page_count: 0, // 總頁數(shù) maxscale: 2, // 最大放大倍數(shù) minscale: 0.8// 最小放大倍數(shù) } }, computed: { ctx() { const id = document.getElementById('the-canvas') return id.getContext('2d') } }, created() { this.onOpen() }, methods: { closeDialog(freshList) { const _this = this _this.pdfurl = '' _this.pdfDoc = null _this.pageNum = 1 _this.pageRendering = false _this.pageNumPending = null _this.scale = 1.2 _this.page_num = 0 _this.page_count = 0 // PDFJS.getDocument(_this.pdfurl).then(function(pdfDoc_) { // _this.pdfDoc = pdfDoc_ // _this.page_count = _this.pdfDoc.numPages // _this.renderPage(_this.pageNum) // }) this.$emit('refreshValue', freshList) }, onOpen() { const _this = this _this.loading = true request({ url: '/document/info/preview/' + _this.seeFileId, method: 'get' }).then( function(value) { if (value.code === 200) { _this.pdfurl = _this.urlPrefix + '/' + value.data.fileVirtualPath _this.loading = false // 初始化pdf PDFJS.getDocument(_this.pdfurl).then(function(pdfDoc_) { _this.pdfDoc = pdfDoc_ _this.page_count = _this.pdfDoc.numPages _this.renderPage(_this.pageNum) }) } else { Message.error(value.message) _this.loading = false _this.closeDialog() } } ) }, renderPage(num) { // 渲染pdf const vm = this this.pageRendering = true const canvas = document.getElementById('the-canvas') // Using promise to fetch the page this.pdfDoc.getPage(num).then(function(page) { var viewport = page.getViewport(vm.scale) // alert(vm.canvas.height) canvas.height = viewport.height canvas.width = viewport.width // Render PDF page into canvas context var renderContext = { canvasContext: vm.ctx, viewport: viewport } var renderTask = page.render(renderContext) // Wait for rendering to finish renderTask.promise.then(function() { vm.pageRendering = false if (vm.pageNumPending !== null) { // New page rendering is pending vm.renderPage(vm.pageNumPending) vm.pageNumPending = null } }) }) vm.page_num = vm.pageNum }, addscale() { // 放大 if (this.scale >= this.maxscale) { return } this.scale += 0.1 this.queueRenderPage(this.pageNum) }, minus() { // 縮小 if (this.scale <= this.minscale) { return } this.scale -= 0.1 this.queueRenderPage(this.pageNum) }, prev() { // 上一頁 const vm = this if (vm.pageNum <= 1) { return } vm.pageNum-- vm.queueRenderPage(vm.pageNum) }, next() { // 下一頁 const vm = this if (vm.pageNum >= vm.page_count) { return } vm.pageNum++ vm.queueRenderPage(vm.pageNum) }, queueRenderPage(num) { if (this.pageRendering) { this.pageNumPending = num } else { this.renderPage(num) } } } } </script> <style scoped="" type="text/css"> .cpdf { top: 0; left: 0; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5); width: 100%; height: 100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } .center { text-align: center; height: 100%; overflow: auto; padding-top: 20px; } .contor { margin-bottom: 10px; } .button-group { float: right; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; } </style>